wxEuphoria graphics

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This code does not display as expected..

simply want to color wxStaticBox and print in color

include wxeud.e 
    HelloFrame = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "My First Message", -1, -1, 500, 800} ), 
    HelloWin   = create( wxPanel, {HelloFrame}), 
HelloBox   = create(wxStaticBox,{HelloWin, -1,"",50,40,400,400,0}) 
	BrightRed   = create( wxColour, {255,0,0}) 
	, BrightGreen = create( wxColour, {0,255,0}) 
	, BrightBlue  = create( wxColour, {0,0,255}) 
	, RedPen      = create( wxPen, {BrightRed, 1, wxSOLID}) 
	, GreenPen    = create( wxPen, {BrightGreen, 1, wxSOLID}) 
	, BluePen     = create( wxPen, {BrightBlue, 1, wxSOLID}) 
	, RedBrush  = create( wxBrush, {BrightRed, wxSOLID}) 
	, GreenBrush  = create( wxBrush, {BrightGreen, wxSOLID}) 
	, TransBrush  = create( wxBrush, {BrightGreen, wxTRANSPARENT}) 
	, BlueBrush  = create( wxBrush, {BrightBlue, wxSOLID}) 
	Arial = create( wxFont, {30,wxDEFAULT,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"Arial",wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT}) 
	set_font(HelloWin, Arial) set_font(HelloBox, Arial)	 
procedure onPaint_HelloWin( atom this, atom event, atom it, atom event_type ) 
	atom dc 
	dc = create(wxClientDC,{HelloWin}) 
	begin_drawing( dc ) 
		set_pen( dc, BrightBlue) set_brush( dc,BlueBrush) 
		draw_rectangle(dc,50,40,400,400)				-- does not change the color at HelloBox 
		set_pen( dc, BrightRed) set_brush( dc,RedBrush) 
		draw_rectangle(dc,100,100,40,40)				-- does not appear anywhere 
		set_font(dc, Arial)								-- does not draw the size at create 
		set_text_color ( dc, BrightRed )				-- does not draw in this color 
		wx_puts( {HelloWin,10,10}, "Hello, World!")		-- not 30 points; not per set_text_color	 
	end_drawing( dc ) 
	delete_instance( dc ) 
end procedure 
set_event_handler( HelloWin, get_id(HelloWin), wxEVT_PAINT, routine_id( "onPaint_HelloWin" )) 
wxMain( HelloFrame ) 

Help appreciated


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