Re: Euphoria's identity/philosophy -- Where is the focus?

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Spock said...

I wonder why nobody picked this up sooner? Of course, it did give me a chance to have a good rant..


include std/sort.e 
sequence testdata = 
{ {1,1}, 
  {3,2} } 
? sort(testdata) 


The simple answer is that "often" it does not matter if the sort is stable.

The "real" answer is we need your help. Every rant does help but arguments with source-code speak louder.

It is only logical that there should be a choice of sorting algorithms.

I just learned of the Timsort algorithm which is used in Python and Java. This is a stable sort with a hybrid algorithm. It takes about 1300 lines of C code.

Looking forward to seeing your solution.


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