Euphoria BNF updated
- Posted by _tom (admin) Jan 17, 2014
The official definition of Euphoria is the interpeter.
I have updated the BNF description of Euphoria. It's not complete but better than what is in the documentation. See:
It looks like:
1. alpha = "a" .. "z" | "A" .. "Z"
2. digit = "0" .. "9"
3. uscore = "_"
4. eol = "new_line_character"
5. name = ( alpha1 | uscore3 ) { alpha1 | digit2 | uscore3 }
6. spacename = name5 ":"
7. identifier = [ spacename6 ] name5
8. atom = atom_integer_lit9 | atom_real_lit10
9. atom_integer_lit = "-253" .. "+253" | "-9.007e15" .. "+9.007e15"
10. atom_real_lit = "-21024+1" .. "+21024-1" | "-1.798e308+1" .. "+1.798e308-1"
11. integer = integer_lit12
12. integer_lit = "-230" .. "+230-1" | "-1_073_741_824" .. "+1_073_741_823"
13. sequence = "{" [ object14 ] { "," object14 } [ "," "$" ] "}"
14. object = atom8 | integer11 | sequence13
and continues on for a hundred more lines.