Re: Simple integer math benchmark

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On my old (slow) i3 machine, eui (4.05) takes 17.879 seconds.

You might also want to benchmark against luajit, the optimizing, just-in-time compiler for lua. On my machine, it takes 3.395 seconds to run the improved lua code you provided.

I had earlier written some other code to compare eui, lua and luajit and found that luajit runs like a demon. And unlike euphoria, which can optimize for integers, lua (and luajit) only use floating point numbers internally (kind of like running with atoms exclusively under euphoria). Lua version 5.3, which is development right now, will offer the developer a choice of using integers or floating point numbers when appropriate.

The reason I mention all this is because I see lua and euphoria as being the closest languages "spiritually". They have many syntactic similarities, and euphoria's sequences and lua's tables act as the default native data structure. I have used both languages and am happy to use either of them when appropriate.

I also enjoyed your post as it mentions a few languages I had not heard of before. Being a polyglot and programming language collector, I now have some new ones to check out!


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