Win32lib focus problem-oh!

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-- focus.exw

include \euphoria\userlib\win32lib.50\win32lib.ew

        winUno = create(Window, "Uno", 0, Default, Default, 200, 100, 0),
        btnUno = create(PushButton, "winDos", winUno, 10, 10, 50, 20, 0),
        winDos = create(Window, "Dos", winUno, Default, Default, 200, 100, 0),
        btnOK = create(PushButton, "OK", winDos, 10, 10, 50, 20, 0),
        btnCancel = create(PushButton, "Cancel", winDos, 70, 10, 50, 20, 0)

procedure onClick_btnUno()
        openWindow(winDos, Modal)
end procedure

procedure onClick_btnOK()
        integer response
        response = message_box("Are you sure it's OK?", "Please confirm",
        if response = IDYES then
        end if
end procedure

procedure onClick_btnCancel()
end procedure

onClick[btnUno] = routine_id("onClick_btnUno")
onClick[btnOK] = routine_id("onClick_btnOK")
onClick[btnCancel] = routine_id("onClick_btnCancel")

WinMain(winUno, Normal)
[end code]

I posted a question about this yesterday, and no one has repsonded, so I
thought I would make it easier to see what I'm talking about, and at the
same time, by writing the simplest possible program to demonstrate it,
determine whether something extraneous in my code was causing the problem.
The code above does exactly what my code does, that I am concerned about.

While running some other program (such as, hmm, your Web browser, for
example), maximize that program. Then run the above program. Click on the
"winDos" button, then click on the "OK" button. click on "Yes" in the
message box. What happens? Is it what you would want to happen???

Now find winUno and click on the "winDos" button, then click on the "Cancel"
button. How does the program behave differently this time?

Finally, click on "winDos", then on "OK", click on "No" or "Cancel" in the
message box, then click on "Cancel". NOW what happens?

Why does invoking the message box from winDos cause the entire application
to be shoved into the background when winDos is closed? And how can I
prevent this from happening? I consider this a very serious (i.e. totally
unacceptable) user interface flaw with my program.

Please and thank you,
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