Re: Installing OpenEuphoria on LinuxMint
- Posted by Dr_Who Sep 08, 2013
I've used Euphoria on LinuxMint before. Goto the directory where you located Eu, on mine it was /usr/share/euphoria
goto the /bin directory from the command line type this:
sudo eui ed.ex
This should open the euphoria editor that is built into it. Sudo as you'll want to run it as the root user, or so I've noticed. I don't have much experience with Linux, but that's how I got it to run.
Reinstalled from the deb package, went to the directory you mention and opened a terminal in it, got a promt
file name:
That's it? is that the euphoria "IDE"?
If that's so then I need another IDE and also instructions to make a launcher on my desktop, also I don't like to be root while doing this, is there no risk to the system? Even if there's not I would like to be able to launch a different ide from my desktop, preferably a more modern ide than the terminal.
Any way thanks for the help Ranger