Re: Graphical programming
- Posted by DonCole Jul 31, 2013
A while back somebody posted a 3D graphic animation of a hot looking babe walking though the woods. It was written Euphoria. I remember commenting that I would like to see her close off. He replied that he had thought of that but this was part of a game he was developing and he didn't want to go in that direction. This may have been a few years back. Does anybody remember that post? He said what library he was using in that post.
Anyhow Ken didn't say anything about 3D graphics in his post. I don't see why he couldn't use the standard commands in graphics.e and
func adjustBrightness(atom pColor, atom pAdjustment) Applies a luminosity factor to a color supplied as a 24-bit integer. proc bitBlt( dst, dstX, dstY, src, srcX, srcY, wide, high, rop ) Copy image (or partial image) from source to destination. func colorValue(object Color) Converts the parameter into the equivalent 24-bit color value. proc copyBlt( dst, dstX, dstY, src ) Copy full image from source to destination. func copyToBitmapFile( window, fileName, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) Copies image from window to file fileName. func copyToTrueColorBitmapFile( window, fileName, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) Copies image from window to file fileName. func createDIB( data ) Converts a Euphoria bitmap format into a Win32 bitmap. proc drawArc( window, filled, x1, y1, x2, y2, xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd ) Draw an arc. proc drawBitmap( window, DIB handle, x, y ) Draws DIB (device independant bitmap) in window at { x, y }. proc drawChord( window, filled, x1, y1, x2, y2, xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd ) Draw a chord. proc drawEllipse( window, filled, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) Draw an ellipse. proc drawLine( window, pStartX, pStartY, pEndX, pEndY ) Draw a line. proc drawLines( integer id, sequence coords ) Draws zero or more lines. proc drawPie( window, filled, x1, y1, x2, y2, xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd ) Draw a pie slice. proc drawPolygon( integer id, integer filled, sequence points ) Draw a polygon. proc drawRectangle( window, filled, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) Draw a rectangle. proc drawRoundRect( window, filled, x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc ) Draw a rounded rectangle. func extractIcon( sequence Filename ) Gets the an icon from the file (DLL, EXE or ICO) specified. func fillRectangle(integer id,object rectangle,integer isColor,object filler,integer transp) Fills a rectangle in the window id with an arbitrary brush. func floodFill( atom pControl, integer pXStart, integer pYStart, object pColor, integer pFillType) Performs a 'flood fill' operation. func getPixel( window, x, y ) Get a pixel value from window's client area. func loadBitmapFromFile( file name ) Loads a bitmap file. func mixColors(sequence colors,object weight,integer output_triple) Computes the weighted average of the supplied colors by calling w32average() func newColor(sequence name,object val) Attempts to define a new color named name with value value proc repaintFG( window ) Force window to be repainted but without clearing it first. proc repaintRect( window, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) Force window to be partially repainted. proc repaintWindow( window ) Force window to be entirely repainted. func rgb( integer red, integer green, integer blue ) Convert a {red, green, blue} tuple into a 24-bit color value. proc setBackColor( integer id, object color ) Set the color for used for the pen fill color in id. func setPaintPolicy(integer id,integer pFlag) Possibly sets the paint policy flag. proc setPenBkColor( window, color ) Determines the background color for text. proc setPenBkMode( window, mode ) Determines if the background color for lines and text. proc setPenBrushColor( window, color ) Determines the solid brush color for filled shapes. proc setPenColor( window, color ) Set the the pen color used in window. proc setPenMode( integer id, integer mode ) Determines what mode graphics are drawn in. proc setPenStyle( window, style ) Set the style that lines are drawn in. proc setPenWidth( window, pixel width ) Set the the pen width used in window. proc setPixel( window, x, y, rgb color ) Set a pixel value in window's client area. func split_rgb( object pColor) Convert a color into a {red, green, blue}. proc stretchBlt( dst, dstX, dstY, dstWide, dstHigh, src, srcX, srcY, srcWide, srcHigh, rop ) Copy image (or partial image) from source to destination, changing its size as you go. func textToBitmap( text ) Converts a sequence of text into a monochrome bitmap. proc transBlt( dst, dstX, dstY, src ) Copy full image from source to destination, with transparency. Found in win32lib.ew Also win32dib.ew for manipulating bitmaps. Don Cole