Re: dos is a lost cause !
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Jul 04, 2013
ex.exe was renamed by Jeremy to eui.exe
No, it was not. ex.exe was renamed by Jeremy to euid.exe and exwc.exe was renamed by Jeremy to eui.exe
Wasn't eui.exe suppose be used to run dos code until dos was removed from the source ?
No, it was not. The reason behind the name change was to unify the Unix/Windoze names (exwc/exu -> eui, backendc/backendu -> eub, bind/bindu -> eubind, etc; also, because we believed that the standard for most languages was to have the console app be the default and the windowed/GUI app have the special name, we adopted exw -> euiw, backendw -> eubw, etc), in addition to giving some standardization to them (euX where X=i (interpeter), X=b (backend), X=c (compiler/translator)) instead of the zoo we had before (ex, backendc, exc, etc).
Under this convention, the DOS version also should have been named eui.exe (since both ex.exe and exwc.exe can run the basic console apps, in addition to exu), however at the time we packaged both sets of binaries together which made having two executables with the same name awkward.
Since Windoze 7 had trouble running ex.exe at the time (the OpenWatcom C library would try to go into fullscreen mode for no reason, which sometimes caused that OS to terminate the execution of the application) it was decided to emphasis the Windows console interpreter in favor of the dos interpreter, and hence the DOS versions got the special d suffix.
If we now have euid.exe can't it be used in place eui.exe
Yes. I guess this makes sense if one wants to move to a DOS-only distribution.
When you run one of demos it is looking for net directory.
Which demo? Only the demos in the net directory should be using that stuff. None of the demos that use it would be able to run with euid.exe anyways, as euid.exe does not support any networking.
A lot of demos use machine.e whenever it is used by a program and the program ends; It displays a warning that check_calls was not used.
All the demos in the DOS branch should be using std/machine.e - not the 3.11 version. Which demo is trying to use that one?
I quickly tried all demos included in 3.11 an 90% of them work with euid.exe there is a problem callmach.ex cw crashs but the callmach demo in 4.xx works ok.
This isn't too surprising, as 4.xx does things a little differently.