To Derek: Win32lib ComboBoxEx
- Posted by "R.Stowasser" <R.Stowasser at> Aug 31, 2006
Hi Derek, I think ComboBoxEx does not work correctly in Win32lib. I tried to add Hints for the ComboBoxEx example in the Demo folder of Win32lib, which does not work. I also did not manage to add SetHandlers in the example program. In the Combo.exw demo I changed Cmbo to type ComboBoxEx and made the changes for onClick_ABtn and addItem() but the events for onChange_Cmbo will not work either. (w32HEvent in some cases) Probably subClassControl in createEx() does not work quite correctly in the case of ComboBoxEx, no matter if applying as EditText or DropDownList. I learned that ComboBoxEx combines a combo control and an edit control. I know that I can get the handles by sending CBM_GETCOMBOCONTROL and CBM_GETEDITCONTROL messages. Actually there are two Hints possible, one for the edit field and one for picture and button. The way Win32lib works in the moment, for some reason the notify messages are not processed in fDoNotify and fDoTTN_GETDISPINFO (missing id(s)?). Maybe the subClassControl function should be adapted a little bit for getting the ids and hwnds of a ComboBoxEx? But maybe it is necessary to do a similar approach as with TrewView using something like tv_id? I have added an example of a working ComboBoxEx to show the expected results. I coded in the 'WinFunA' style which is easier for me to understand and saves me some lines of code. If not using the WinFunA functions there should be no problem to convert into plain Euphoria. The function ao() returns the address of a structure. The program can be run with or without bitmap. Perhaps this example could be of some help in some way? -- Roland Stowasser
-- ComboEx2 -- two examples ported from BCX and joined together -- tooltips in ComboBoxEx include WinFuna.ew -- perhaps missing function in wfa_comctl32.ew constant ImageList_LoadImage_ = def_c_func(comctl32, "ImageList_LoadImage", {HINSTANCE,LPCSTR,INT,INT, COLORREF,UINT,UINT}, HIMAGELIST) global function ImageList_LoadImage(atom hi,atom lpbmp,atom cx, atom cGrow, atom crMask,atom uType,atom uFlags) return call_c_func(ImageList_LoadImage_, {hi,lpbmp,cx, cGrow,crMask,uType,uFlags} ) end function -- constant MAX_ITEMS = 10 constant NUM_ICONS = 10 constant CX_ICON = 24 atom hWnd_ToolTip hWnd_ToolTip = NULL atom TTType function ToolTip_Create(atom hWnd) TTType = TTS_ALWAYSTIP + 64 -- cartoon-like captions if hWnd_ToolTip = NULL then if hWnd = NULL then hWnd=GetActiveWindow() end if if hWnd = NULL then return 0 end if hWnd_ToolTip=CreateWindowEx( 0,TEXT("tooltips_class32"),TEXT(""), TTType,0,0,0,0,hWnd,0, GetWindowLong( hWnd,GWL_HINSTANCE ),0 ) end if return hWnd_ToolTip end function procedure ToolTip_SetToolTip(atom hWnd, sequence Text) cstruct ti ti=struct(TOOLINFO) SetLastError( 0 ) if ToolTip_Create(GetParent( hWnd )) = 0 then return end if store(ti,"cbSize",sizeOf(ti)) store(ti,"uFlags",TTF_SUBCLASS + TTF_IDISHWND) store(ti,"hwnd",GetParent( hWnd )) store(ti,"uId",hWnd) if SendMessage( hWnd_ToolTip,TTM_GETTOOLINFO,0,ao(ti) ) then VOID = SendMessage( hWnd_ToolTip,TTM_DELTOOL,0,ao(ti) ) end if store(ti,"cbSize",sizeOf(ti)) store(ti,"uFlags",TTF_SUBCLASS + TTF_IDISHWND) store(ti,"hwnd",GetParent( hWnd )) store(ti,"uId",hWnd) store(ti,"lpszText",Text) VOID = SendMessage( hWnd_ToolTip,TTM_ADDTOOL,0,ao(ti) ) end procedure atom Form1 atom CBE sequence AppClassName procedure Show(atom Window) RedrawWindow(Window,0,0,0) ShowWindow(Window,SW_SHOW) end procedure atom WndProc function create_Form(sequence Caption, atom left,atom top,atom width,atom height, atom Style,atom Exstyle) atom Win if Style = 0 then Style= WS_MINIMIZEBOX + WS_SIZEBOX + WS_CAPTION + WS_MAXIMIZEBOX + WS_POPUP + WS_SYSMENU end if Win = CreateWindowEx(Exstyle,TEXT(AppClassName),TEXT(Caption), Style, left, top, width, height, NULL,NULL,instance(),NULL) if not Win then VOID = message_box("Cannot CreateWindowEx " & AppClassName, "Error", MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR) abort(0) end if free_TEXT() return Win end function function create_Control(sequence Class,atom hWnd,sequence Caption, atom id, atom left,atom top,atom width,atom height, atom Style,atom Exstyle) atom control if Style = 0 then Style = WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE+WS_CLIPCHILDREN+WS_CLIPSIBLINGS end if control=CreateWindowEx(Exstyle,TEXT(Class),TEXT(Caption),Style, left, top, width, height, hWnd, id, instance(), NULL) if not control then VOID = message_box("Cannot CreateWindowEx " & AppClassName, "Error", MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR) abort(0) end if free_TEXT() return control end function --//struct ITEMINFO global constant ITEMINFO = { { "iImage", "iSelectedImage", "iIndent", "pszText"}, {{ 0, INT_ }, -- iImage { 4, INT_ }, -- iSelectedImage { 8, INT_ }, -- iIndent { 12, LPSZ_ }}, -- pszText 16, -- size 0 -- address } --//end struct ITEMINFO procedure AddItems() cstruct cbei cstruct IInf atom himl cbei = struct(COMBOBOXEXITEM) store(cbei,"mask", CBEIF_TEXT+CBEIF_INDENT +CBEIF_IMAGE+CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE) IInf = array_struct(ITEMINFO, MAX_ITEMS) fill_struct(IInf[1], {0,3,0,"first"} ) fill_struct(IInf[2], {1,4,1,"second"} ) fill_struct(IInf[3], {2,5,2,"third"} ) fill_struct(IInf[4], {0,3,0,"fourth"} ) fill_struct(IInf[5], {1,4,1,"fifth"} ) fill_struct(IInf[6], {2,5,2,"sixth"} ) fill_struct(IInf[7], {0,3,0,"seventh"} ) fill_struct(IInf[8], {1,4,1,"eighth"} ) fill_struct(IInf[9], {2,5,2,"ninth"} ) fill_struct(IInf[10], {0,3,0,"tenth"} ) -- himl = ImageList_LoadImage(NULL, TEXT(""), CX_ICON, NUM_ICONS, -- CLR_NONE, IMAGE_BITMAP, LR_LOADFROMFILE) himl = ImageList_LoadImage(NULL,TEXT("hand.bmp"),CX_ICON,NUM_ICONS, CLR_NONE, IMAGE_BITMAP, LR_LOADFROMFILE) for iCnt =1 to MAX_ITEMS do store(cbei,"iItem",iCnt-1) -- zero based store(cbei,"pszText",fetch(IInf[iCnt],"pszText")) store(cbei,"cchTextMax",length(fetch(IInf[iCnt],"pszText"))) -- store(cbei,"iImage",iCnt-1) -- store(cbei,"iSelectedImage",iCnt-1) store(cbei,"iIndent",fetch(IInf[iCnt],"iIndent")) if SendMessage(CBE, CBEM_INSERTITEM, 0, ao(cbei)) = -1 then VOID = message_box("Cannot insert item", "Error",0) return end if end for VOID = SendMessage(CBE, CBEM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, himl) VOID = SendMessage(CBE, CB_SETCURSEL, 5, 0) --index 6 SetLastError(0) DeleteObject(himl) SetWindowPos(CBE,NULL,20,20,200,120,SWP_NOACTIVATE) cbei = free_struct(cbei) end procedure procedure WinMain() atom hwnd_cbexcombo,hwnd_cbexedit cstruct Wc, Msg, iccex Wc=struct(WNDCLASS) Msg=struct(MSG) AppClassName = "ComboBoxEx" store(Wc,"style" , CS_HREDRAW + CS_VREDRAW + CS_OWNDC) store(Wc,"lpfnWndProc" , WndProc) store(Wc,"cbClsExtra" , 0) store(Wc,"cbWndExtra" , 0) store(Wc,"hInstance" , instance()) store(Wc,"hIcon" , LoadIcon(NULL,IDI_WINLOGO)) store(Wc,"hCursor" , LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW)) store(Wc,"hbrBackground" , COLOR_BTNFACE+1) store(Wc,"lpszMenuName" , NULL) store(Wc,"lpszClassName" , TEXT(AppClassName)) if not RegisterClass(ao(Wc)) then VOID = message_box("Cannot RegisterClass Wc", "Error",MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR) abort(0) end if iccex = struct(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX) store(iccex,"dwSize" , sizeOf(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX)) store(iccex,"dwICC", ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES + ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES + ICC_BAR_CLASSES + ICC_TAB_CLASSES + ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS + ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS + ICC_USEREX_CLASSES + ICC_DATE_CLASSES) InitCommonControlsEx(ao(iccex)) Form1=create_Form("ComboBoxEx Demo",0,0,320,240,0,0) CBE=create_Control(WC_COMBOBOXEX,Form1,"",200, 0,0,0,100, WS_BORDER+WS_VISIBLE+WS_CHILD+CBS_DROPDOWN,0) AddItems() Show(Form1) hwnd_cbexcombo = SendMessage(CBE, CBEM_GETCOMBOCONTROL, 0, 0) ToolTip_SetToolTip(hwnd_cbexcombo," Tip 1 ") hwnd_cbexedit = SendMessage(CBE, CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0) ToolTip_SetToolTip(hwnd_cbexedit," Tip 2 ") while GetMessage(ao(Msg),NULL,0,0) do TranslateMessage(ao(Msg)) DispatchMessage(ao(Msg)) end while Msg=free_struct(Msg) free_TEXT() end procedure function getWindowText(atom hWnd) integer len atom pText sequence result len = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd) + 1 pText = allocate(len) mem_set(pText,0,len) VOID = GetWindowText(hWnd,pText,len) result = peek_string(pText) free(pText) return result end function function WndProc_(atom hWnd, atom Msg, atom wParam, atom lParam) if Msg = WM_COMMAND then if HIWORD(wParam) = CBN_SELCHANGE then VOID = message_box(" You selected " & getWindowText(CBE),"",0) end if elsif Msg = WM_CLOSE then DestroyWindow(Form1) elsif Msg = WM_DESTROY then PostQuitMessage(0) else return DefWindowProc(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam) end if return 0 end function WndProc=call_back(routine_id("WndProc_")) -- start program WinMain()