Re: Programs you have made with Euphoria
- Posted by Michael J. Sabal <m_sabal at> Aug 31, 2006
Bernie Ryan wrote: > > Al Getz wrote: > > > > I was thinking of making a list of all the programs i had made > > What is the point of doing that; all user has to do is search the Archive > for a person name to get a list. > > Bernie I, for one, have only contributed a small fraction of my Euphoria programs, either because I was too lazy to finish the documentation or because they were proprietary. For example, on my laptop, I have a program that gets the current weather page from wunderground's mobile site for three cities, store the information in a local database, and present the evening and next day's forcast on boot. Since it's in a database, I don't miss out if I'm not connected to the net for a couple days. I also have a music randomizer that plays a specified number of ogg or mp3 files from my music directory. One of my current projects for work is to compare the contents of two versions of an Excel spreadsheet and report the differences. Euphoria is doing this very nicely, very quickly for two 6000 line spreadsheets. I have a number of other work-related programs written in Euphoria for database and document analysis, the front end to a help desk system, the front end to an IT database, and an older EDI management system. Then there are the hundreds of incomplete projects sitting on my hard drive just waiting for the dust to get blown off. Mike