Re: I don't like the intro page of the documentation.

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useless_ said...
DerekParnell said...

The language has a simplified data-type concept. It only has Atoms* (numbers) and Sequences (dynamic lists) which are both statically typed, and Objects (run time variants). These are higher level and easier to use than conventional data-types.

* Technically it also has Integers which are a special form of Atoms, optimized for integral values.

I'd have made it even easier and faster to read, not more involved right up front, Derek. At worst, i'd say ".... user defined types, and three builtin types: atoms for single numbers and characters, sequences for lists and strings, and the untyped objects". Details follow via links....


I like that. I disagree with the language being "statically-typed" as Derek said it was.

Objects are dynamically typed. Atoms and sequences represent values and lists or strings, respectively. I think that useless nailed it with some minor changes:

Euphoria combines the flexibility and rapid-development of dynamically-typed languages with the reliability and accuracy of statically-typed languages.
There are three main* built-in types: atoms for representing single values such as characters, integers, or real numbers; sequences for strings, lists of values, and even lists of lists; and dynamically-typed objects which can represent any value or list. Users requiring stricter type-checking can define their own types ensuring that bugs get caught earlier in development.
*An integer type is also provided for performance purposes.

I don't know why the creole isn't working for this post. Again.
Okay, I guess I figured it out.

Useless' post is still more concise, but I gave it a shot.

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