Re: How to get info about foreground window in Windows?
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Jun 01, 2013
SocIoDim said...
Info: handle, class, title, coordinates.
Here is a sample program...
include std/dll.e include std/machine.e include std/os.e atom WINuser32 = 0 atom WINkernel32 = 0 atom WINGetForegroundWindow = 0 atom WINGetWindowInfo = 0 atom WINSendMessage = 0 atom WINGetLastError = 0 ----------------- procedure InitWinAPI() ----------------- WINuser32 = open_dll("user32.dll") WINkernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll") if WINuser32 != 0 then WINGetForegroundWindow = define_c_func(WINuser32, "GetForegroundWindow", {}, C_POINTER) WINGetWindowInfo = define_c_func(WINuser32, "GetWindowInfo", {C_POINTER, C_POINTER}, C_INT) WINSendMessage = define_c_func(WINuser32, "SendMessageA", {C_POINTER, C_INT, C_POINTER, C_POINTER}, C_INT) end if if WINkernel32 != 0 then WINGetLastError = define_c_func(WINkernel32, "GetLastError", {}, C_POINTER) end if end procedure ------------------- public function GetForegroundWindow() ------------------- return c_func( WINGetForegroundWindow, {}) end function ------------------- public function SendMessage(atom pHwd, atom pMsg, atom pwParm, atom plParm) ------------------- return c_func( WINSendMessage, {pHwd, pMsg, pwParm, plParm}) end function constant WM_GETTEXT = #000D ------------------- public function GetLastError() ------------------- return c_func( WINGetLastError, {}) end function -- This needs the handle of the window whose information you want. -- -- It returns a sequence containing ... -- An atom. 0 if the function succeeded otherwise the error code returned by Windows. -- (If not zero, it is the only item in the return sequence.) -- A sequence containing the Window's pixel co-ords for left, top, right, bottom -- A sequence containing the Window client area pixel co-ords for left, top, right, bottom -- An atom containing the Style bits -- An atom containing the ExStyle bits -- An integer. 1 if the window is active, zero otherwise. -- An integer. The height of the horizontal borders (in pixels) -- An integer. The height of the vertical borders (in pixels) -- The Window's class identifier. -- The version of Windows of the application that created this window. -- The text of the Window's title bar ------------------- public function GetWindowInfo(atom pHandle) ------------------- atom lWinData sequence lWinInfo atom lError lWinData = allocate(62) -- typedef struct tagWINDOWINFO { -- DWORD cbSize # 0 -- RECT rcWindow # 4 -- RECT rcClient # 20 -- DWORD dwStyle # 36 -- DWORD dwExStyle # 40 -- DWORD dwWindowStatus # 44 -- UINT cxWindowBorders # 48 -- UINT cyWindowBorders # 52 -- ATOM atomWindowType # 56 -- WORD wCreatorVersion # 60 -- } WINDOWINFO # 62 poke4(lWinData, 0) if c_func( WINGetWindowInfo, {pHandle, lWinData}) then lError = 0 lWinInfo = { {peek4s(lWinData + 04), peek4s(lWinData + 08), peek4s(lWinData + 12), peek4s(lWinData + 16)}, {peek4s(lWinData + 20), peek4s(lWinData + 24), peek4s(lWinData + 28), peek4s(lWinData + 32)}, peek4u(lWinData + 36), peek4u(lWinData + 40), peek4u(lWinData + 44), peek4s(lWinData + 48), peek4s(lWinData + 52), peek4s(lWinData + 56), peek2s(lWinData + 60) } -- Note: Assumes ANSI Window Text atom lText atom lTextLen lText = allocate(1000) lTextLen = SendMessage(pHandle, WM_GETTEXT, 999, lText) lWinInfo = append(lWinInfo, peek({lText, lTextLen})) free(lText) else lError = GetLastError() lWinInfo = {} end if free(lWinData) return lError & lWinInfo end function InitWinAPI() include std/console.e sleep(5) -- gives you a chance to select a window to look at. display (GetWindowInfo( GetForegroundWindow() ))