Re: routine_id() is not working
- Posted by useless_ Apr 11, 2013
So if i write an include with a sleep proceedure in it, and then i include it and misc.e, no error should be thrown? This should not be a problem?
include sleep.e include misc.e
Why shouldn't this generate an error report?
Because there are no errors in that code.
Now, try calling sleep without qualifying it. That's an error, because there is no way to tell which one you really wanted to call.
By itself, from the 4ft pov, true, no error as Euphoria is now. But Euphoria still put two sleeps into the same namespace, and it had to include both sleeps in the run code, because of routine_id() being called. In this example, neither sleep is namespaced.
Had i included os.e also, there'd be 3 sleep()s in the same namespace, and the program would happily begin running and not crash untill the program executed a routine_id(sleep), maybe hours later, with data loss. Come on Matt, surely Euphoria can be smarter than that.