SUCESS! ex.err support for Geany!

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Thanks to everyone for the help

This code succeeds in positioning the cursor in the offending file at the line and column of the error as reported by ex.err

For what it is worth, the get_err_line code in ed.ex needs some work. I discovered that it was not setting the cursor at the error column either.

ONE CAVEAT: I suspect that this code might not position the cursor properly on lines with leading tabs.

-- gneui.ex 1.0 
-- 2013 2013-03-21 
-- Kenneth Rhodes <> 
-- This file wraps the Euphoria interpreter  
-- together with a routine which extracts 
-- ex.err file data and passes the name,  
-- path, line and column to the Geany editor 
-- usage: Geany run_cmd = eui gneui.ex ./%f 
-- Set run source code command to this as well, 
-- Execute your code from Geany, upon error, 
-- Geany will position the cursor at the line 
-- and column of the error. 
include std/io.e 
include std/convert.e 
include std/console.e 
include std/error.e 
include std/filesys.e 
include std/text.e 
include std/wildcard.e 
integer err_file, wcmatch 
sequence err_lines  
object temp_line 
sequence msg 
integer TRUE = 1, FALSE = 2 
integer cont = TRUE 
type natural(integer x) 
    return x >= 0 
end type 
natural start_line, start_col 
start_line = 1 start_col = 1 
object file_name = "", command = "" 
integer exit_code = 0 
sequence cl = command_line() 
if length(cl) >= 3 then 
    file_name = cl[3] 
    ifdef UNIX then 
	command = sprintf( "eui -D DEBUG \"%s\"", {file_name} ) 
	if wildcard:is_match( "*.ew", file_name ) 
	or wildcard:is_match( "*.exw", file_name) then 
	    command = sprintf( "euiw -D DEBUG \"%s\"", {file_name} ) 
	    command = sprintf( "eui -D DEBUG \"%s\"", {file_name} ) 
	end if 
    end ifdef 
    if file_exists("ex.err") then 
    end if 
    exit_code = system_exec( command ) 
    if exit_code != 0 then 
	err_file = open( "ex.err", "r" ) 
	if err_file = -1 then 
	    msg = "" 
	    -- read the top of the ex.err error message file 
	    err_lines = {} 
	    while cont do 
		temp_line = gets(err_file) 
		if atom(temp_line) then 
		end if 
		err_lines = append(err_lines, temp_line) 
		if find('^', temp_line) then 
		    start_col = match("^", temp_line)-1 
		    cont = FALSE 
		end if 
	    end while 
	    -- look for file name, line, column and error messag 
	    if length(err_lines) > 0 then 
		file_name = trim(err_lines[1]) 
		msg = trim(err_lines[2]) 
		system_exec( sprintf("geany \"%s:%d:\"", {file_name, start_col}) ) 
	    end if 
	end if 
    end if 
end if 
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