Re: ex.err & Geany
- Posted by K_D_R Mar 19, 2013
Update: This version works very, very well ... with one exception - on error, it loads the file with errors and positions the cursor on the proper line, but it does not move the cursor to the column position of the error.
-- gneui.ex -- -- 2013 2013-03-19 -- Kenneth Rhodes <> -- -- -- gneui.ex -- -- usage: Geany run_cmd = eui gneui.ex ./%f -- set run source code command to this as well -- -- -- include std/io.e include std/convert.e include std/console.e include "std/error.e" include "std/filesys.e" include "std/text.e" include "std/wildcard.e" file_number err_file sequence err_lines, fline object temp_line sequence msg integer TRUE = 1 constant STANDARD_TAB_WIDTH = 8 type natural(integer x) return x >= 0 end type natural start_line, start_col, colon_pos start_line = 1 start_col = 1 type positive_int(integer x) return x >= 1 end type function tab(natural tab_width, positive_int pos) -- compute new column position after a tab return (floor((pos - 1) / tab_width) + 1) * tab_width + 1 end function function expand_tabs(natural tab_width, sequence line) -- replace tabs by blanks in a line of text natural tab_pos, column, ntabs column = 1 while TRUE do tab_pos = find('\t', line[column..length(line)]) if tab_pos = 0 then -- no more tabs return line else tab_pos += column - 1 end if column = tab(tab_width, tab_pos) ntabs = 1 while line[tab_pos+ntabs] = '\t' do ntabs += 1 column += tab_width end while -- replace consecutive tabs by blanks line = line[1..tab_pos-1] & repeat(' ', column - tab_pos) & line[tab_pos+ntabs..length(line)] end while end function object file_name = "", command = "" integer exit_code = 0 sequence cl = command_line() if length(cl) >= 3 then file_name = cl[3] ifdef UNIX then command = sprintf( "eui -D DEBUG \"%s\"", {file_name} ) elsedef if wildcard:is_match( "*.ew", file_name ) or wildcard:is_match( "*.exw", file_name) then command = sprintf( "euiw -D DEBUG \"%s\"", {file_name} ) else command = sprintf( "eui -D DEBUG \"%s\"", {file_name} ) end if end ifdef if file_exists("ex.err") then delete_file("ex.err") end if exit_code = system_exec( command ) if exit_code != 0 then -- from geany_crash() and ed.ex get_err_line err_file = open( "ex.err", "r" ) if err_file = -1 then msg = "" else -- read the top of the ex.err error message file err_lines = {} while length(err_lines) < 6 do temp_line = gets(err_file) if atom(temp_line) then exit end if err_lines = append(err_lines, temp_line) end while close(err_file) -- look for file name, line, column and error messag if length(err_lines) > 1 and match("TASK ID ", err_lines[1]) then err_lines = err_lines[2..$] end if if length(err_lines) > 0 then if sequence(err_lines[1]) then colon_pos = match(".e", lower(err_lines[1])) if colon_pos then if find(err_lines[1][colon_pos+2], "dxXwWuU") then colon_pos += 1 if find(err_lines[1][colon_pos+2], "wxWuU") then colon_pos += 1 end if end if -- file_name = err_lines[1][1..colon_pos+1] file_name = err_lines[1][1..length(err_lines[1])] start_line = to_integer(err_lines[1][colon_pos+3..length(err_lines[1])]) msg = trim(err_lines[2]) if length(err_lines) > 3 then start_col = find('^', expand_tabs(STANDARD_TAB_WIDTH, err_lines[length(err_lines)-1])) end if -- return file_name -- start_l = sprint(start_line) -- start_c = sprint(start_col) system_exec("geany " & file_name & ":" & sprint(start_col)) end if end if end if end if end if end if clear_screen() abort(0)