Re: Bug in 4.0.5? EUI, no warning for unused procedures/functions
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Feb 14, 2013
To summarize then,
have the warnings about unreferenced routines that are not from includes,
to be optionally generated. Any opinions as to if this option could be
via "eui -STRICT" or perhaps another parameter in eu.cfg ?
Regards, Alan
There is actually a lot of configurability (beyond -strict) with the 4.0 warning system. I don't really use it much, but such a beast as we've been discussing in this thread would probably be added as a new with warning option.
We have not_used, but that appears to apply only to variables. Routines are a bit more difficult, of course, though if that option is turned on, we could run through the same process we use for binding. The translator is a lot more complex and does a more thorough job of removing routines, though I don't believe it gives a list of things it deletes.