Geany: Swapping support for Euphoria/Lua
- Posted by K_D_R Feb 13, 2013
This little utility program allows switching back and forth between the original files which support lua and the lua files which have been edited to support euphoria.
The euphoria support files will be snippets.euphoria, filetypes.euphoria, and filetype_extensions.euphoria. A program called gny.ex can easily be executed from Geany's Terminal Window "Pane". The program accepts three command line switches - "i", "l", or "e": "i" will backup the original lua enabled files and install the new euphoria enabled files. The backup-installation option should be executed only once. Subsequently, the user may select euphoria support by executing "eui gny.ex e" or "eui gny.ex l" to select the original lua enabled support files. After switching filetype support the user should select "Reload Configuration" from the Tools menu.
Any suggestions for improvement will be greatly appreciated.
-- -- -- Gny.ex, a program to automate Geany editor support for euphoria -- by swapping Lua/Euphoria filetypes at will -- -- include std/filesys.e include std/console.e include std/io.e include std/text.e constant BACKUP_INSTALL = 1 -- <<<------ change to 0 after initial install/backup -- the backup_install routine should only be executed once! -- edit paths to your directories containing: constant FILEDEF_DIR = "/home/ken/.config/geany/filedefs/" -- filetypes.lua constant FILETYPE_EXT_DIR = "/home/ken/.config/geany/" -- filetype_extensions.conf" constant SNIPPETS_DIR = "/home/ken/.config/geany/" -- snippets.conf -- backup original lua files and install euphoria support files -- copy filetypes.lua to filetypes.lua~ -- copy filetype_extensions.lua to filetype_extensions.conf~ -- copy snippets.conf to snippets.conf~ -- "l" for lua support -- "e" for euphoria support -- "i" to initialize backup origninal files procedure gny(sequence cl) -- lua if equal(cl, "l") then -- restore/install original files with support for the lua programing language. -- the current files will be overwritten: if copy_file( FILEDEF_DIR & "filetypes.lua~", FILEDEF_DIR & "filetypes.lua", 1) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\tfiletype support for the language lua restored!\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\t Failed to restore the original filetypes.lua file!\n\t") end if any_key() if copy_file( FILETYPE_EXT_DIR & "filetype_extensions.lua~", FILETYPE_EXT_DIR & "filetype_extensions.conf", 1) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\tfiletype_extensions.conf now supports the lua programming language!\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\t Failed to restore filetype_extensions.conf file!\n\t") end if any_key() if copy_file( SNIPPETS_DIR & "snippets.lua~", SNIPPETS_DIR & "snippets.conf", 1) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\tsnippets.conf now supports the lua programming language!\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\t Failed to restore the original snippets.conf file with lua support!\n\t") end if any_key() -- euphoria elsif equal(cl,"e") then -- restore/install euphoria support files: overwrite the current files: if copy_file( FILEDEF_DIR & "filetypes.euphoria~", FILEDEF_DIR & "filetypes.lua", 1) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\tfiletypes.lua now supports the Euphoria Programming Language!\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\tFAILED to install filetypes.lua, " & "\n\t with support for the Euphoria Programming Language\n\t") end if any_key() if copy_file( FILETYPE_EXT_DIR & "filetype_extensions.euphoria~", FILETYPE_EXT_DIR & "filetype_extensions.conf", 1) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\tfiletype_extensions.conf now supports the Euphoria Programming Language!\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\tFAILED to install filetypes.lua, " & "\n\t with support for the Euphoria Programming Language\n\t") end if any_key() if copy_file(SNIPPETS_DIR & "snippets.euphoria~", SNIPPETS_DIR & "snippets.conf", 1) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\tsnippets.conf now supports the Euphoria Programming Language!\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\tFAILED to install snippets.conf, " & "\n\t with support for the Euphoria Programming Language\n\t") end if any_key() elsif equal(cl,"i") then if BACKUP_INSTALL then -- backup the original files which support the lua programming language: -- backup original filetypes.lua file to filetypes.lua~ if copy_file( FILEDEF_DIR & "filetypes.lua", FILEDEF_DIR & "~", 0) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\tfiletypes.lua backed up as filetypes.lua~\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\tfiletypes.lua back up as filetypes.lua~ FAILED!\n\t") end if any_key() -- backup original filetype_extensions.conf to filetype_extensions.conf~ if copy_file( FILETYPE_EXT_DIR & "filetype_extensions.conf", FILETYPE_EXT_DIR & "filetype_extensions.lua~", 0) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\n\tfiletype_extensions.conf backed up as filetype_extensions.lua~\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\tfiletype_extensions.conf back up as filetype_extensions.lua~ FAILED\n\t") end if any_key() -- backup original "snippets.conf" to "snippets.conf~" if copy_file( SNIPPETS_DIR & "snippets.conf", SNIPPETS_DIR & "snippets.lua~", 0) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\n\tsnippets.conf backed up as snippets.conf.~\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\tFAILED to back up file snippets.conf as snippets.lua~ FAILED\n\t") end if any_key() -- now, install euphoria support files: -- copy filetypes.euphoria as filetypes.euphoria~ if copy_file( "filetypes.euphoria", FILEDEF_DIR & "filetypes.euphoria~", 0) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\tfiletypes.euphoria installed as filetypes.euphoria~\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\tFAILED to install filetypes.euphoria~!\n\t") end if any_key() -- copy "filetype_extensions.euphoria" to "filetype_extensions.euphoria~" if copy_file( "filetype_extensions.euphoria", FILETYPE_EXT_DIR & "filetype_extensions.euphoria~", 0) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\n\tfiletype_extensions.euphoria installed as filetype_extensions.euphoria~\n\t") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\tFAILED to install back filetype_extensions.euphoria~ FAILED\n\t") end if any_key() -- copy "snippets.euphoria" to "snippets.euphoria~" if copy_file( "snippets.euphoria", SNIPPETS_DIR & "snippets.euphoria~", 0) then puts(SCREEN, "\n\n\tsnippets.euphoria installed as snippets.euphoria~") else puts(SCREEN, "\n\tFAILED to install snippets.euphoria~ FAILED\n\t") end if any_key() end if end if end procedure integer MENU = 1 integer n sequence options = { "i", "e", "l", "q" } object cl = command_line() if length(cl)<3 then puts(1,"\n\tEnter \"i\" - initial backup/install. ONLY EXECUTE ONCE!") puts(1,"\n\tEnter \"e\" - install euphoria support ( as lua )") puts(1,"\n\tEnter \"l\" - install/restore original lua support files") puts(1,"\n\tEnter \"q\" - exit\n\t") while MENU do n = get_key() if find(n, { 113, 108, 105, 101 }) then MENU = 0 end if end while if n = 113 then abort(1) elsif n = 108 then cl = "l" elsif n = 101 then cl = "e" elsif n = 105 then cl = "i" end if else cl=cl[3] for i = 1 to length(options) do if find(options[i], cl) then gny(options[i]) end if end for cl = lower(cl) end if gny(cl)