Re: To Insolor and those interested in dos rescue programme
- Posted by andi49 Dec 26, 2012
Selgor said...
Where do I find tinewg.exw ?. And what do I do with it ?.
You can use it as a replacement for EuWInGui with Eu4
Selgor said...
I can't make prog work in eu 3.1 or euwingui.
Cheers. Selgor.
My fault.This works:
---------- Done in early 2001 ?? Selgor ---------- Background , each polygon change colour ---------- Each colour is different ---------- Can have more figures ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Added necessary includes for dos-rescue October 2012 ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include euwingui.ew constant VC_XPIXELS=5,VC_YPIXELS=6 constant X = 1, Y = 2 sequence config atom npoly,nlines, npoints, spacing, solid sequence deltas,history,poly,colpoly WindowType=NoBorderWin atom xmax,ymax,backpic xmax=ScreenWidth() ymax=ScreenHeight() Window("",0,0,xmax,ymax) constant blackback=NewMB(xmax,ymax) constant canvas=NewMB(xmax,ymax) backpic=Control(Picture,"",0,0,xmax,ymax) SetPic(backpic,Picture,blackback) function video_config() sequence ret_s ret_s ={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ret_s[VC_XPIXELS]=xmax ret_s[VC_YPIXELS]=ymax return ret_s end function procedure colour() for i=1 to length(colpoly) do colpoly[i]=rand(#FFFFFF) end for for x=1 to length(colpoly)-1 do if equal(colpoly[x],colpoly[x+1]) then colour() end if end for end procedure nlines = 6 npoints = 4 spacing = 15 solid=0 npoly=3 config = video_config() poly=repeat(0,npoly) deltas=repeat(0,npoly) history=repeat(0,npoly) colpoly=repeat(0,npoly) colour() for i=1 to length(poly) do poly[i]=rand(repeat(config[VC_XPIXELS..VC_YPIXELS],npoints))+2 deltas[i]=rand(repeat({2*spacing-1, 2*spacing-1}, npoints)) - spacing history[i]={} end for procedure filled_polygon(atom col,atom fillflag,sequence points) sequence flat flat={} for i=1 to length(points) do flat=flat&points[i] end for SetDrawingMB(canvas) SetPenColor(col) DrawPolygon(flat,fillflag) end procedure procedure polygon(atom col,atom fillflag,sequence points) sequence flat flat={} if fillflag then filled_polygon(col,fillflag,points) else for i= 1 to length(points)-1 do flat=append(flat,points[i]&points[i+1]) end for flat=append(flat,points[1]&points[$]) SetDrawingMB(canvas) SetPenColor(col) DrawMultiLine(flat) end if end procedure procedure poly_pattern() for i=1 to length(history) do if length(history[i]) >= nlines then polygon(0, solid, history[i][1]) history[i] = history[i][2..nlines] end if end for for i=1 to length(history) do history[i] = append(history[i], poly[i]) poly[i] += deltas[i] end for for i=1 to length(poly) do polygon(colpoly[i], solid, poly[i]) for j = 1 to npoints do if poly[i][j][X] <= 0 or poly[i][j][X] >= config[VC_XPIXELS] then deltas[i][j][X] = -deltas[i][j][X] end if if poly[i][j][Y] <= 0 or poly[i][j][Y] >= config[VC_YPIXELS] then deltas[i][j][Y] = -deltas[i][j][Y] end if end for end for if rand(101) = 1 then colour() end if CopyMBToControl(canvas,0,0,xmax,ymax,backpic,0,0) end procedure SetWinTimer(25) while True do WaitEvent() if Event=Click then CloseApp(0) end if if Event=Key then if EventItem=KEY_ESCAPE then CloseApp(0) end if end if if Event=Time then SetCur(0) poly_pattern() end if if Event=Move then SetCur(0) end if end while CloseApp(0)
Happy Holydays