Re: filesize error
- Posted by useless_ Dec 03, 2012
I posted a simplified case (needs no input files) here-
Ticket here-
It works under 4.0.4 on 32-bit Linux; looks like a bug specific to Windows version of Eu.
I suspect it won't make a difference, but has anyone tried 4.0.5 ?
Another thing to try would be a MinGW build of 4.0
I jumped from v4.0.4 to v4.1.0.Nov28 because of the leak fixes in the latter.
I was just looking for additional data points that could narrow the cause of the issue.
I updated the ticket-
This now appears to be a result of disk corruption; it works for me in 4.0.4 and 4.0.5, unless_ can't reproduce it either (and it sometimes seems to be creating files of negative sizes).
The display of the filesize is not causing a filesize. Neither is the bad display of filesize causing a bad filesize. When the filesize is being limited to 2^32, it doesn't matter that is being shown, the filesize is unchangingly stable at 2^32.
The error in display is shown in
and is NOT the individual filesize on the left, which is correct, but the folder total, which i have placed a red arrow on. There is pattern of clicks to cause the size display error, if i do not click on a file which has a size over 2^32, then Explorer makes no error in the display. Either way, the individual size on the left is correct.
That said, twice today v4.0.4 eui and euiw failed, and twice today both wrote files over 2^32. I do not know what is going on. Eu v4.1.0.Nov28 has not failed in any filesize test.