Re: Obsolete EUDIR!
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Nov 30, 2012
One of the errors I receive is:
Error(E14): Cannot execute ("C:\euphoria\bin\eui.exe"): No such file or directory
The Makefile makes a guess and if all of you are installing to C:\EUPHORIA, then everything will be fine. But the installer allows the user to choose to install to any location.
This results in code translating and compiling without any problem apparently. So, what is different? The Watcom makefiles try to use EUDIR and if it cannot find it, it assumes C:\EUPHORIA. Look also at Makefile.wat in the creole distribution. It also uses EUDIR. Any thing designed in the 3.1 era including our Makefiles use EUDIR.
There is code in EUPHORIA for guessing certain paths. So, if you really want to see how robust this is, remove EUPHORIA from the paths found in source/common.e, and install to something not listed there.
Sort of. The root problem is that the Watcom build process really wants to use an absolute path to wherever the eubin directory is. If there isn't one specified, then it looks at EUDIR. All you need to do in this case is to add the correct eubin option when you configure.
Though really, I'm not sure why we require that in any case. We should simply rely on the PATH to give us a valid euphoria interpreter, like we do with the GNU build process. Lack of EUDIR is just exposing this issue.