Re: put prog in forum .. how ?
- Posted by Selgor Nov 24, 2012
Hello EUWX, and Derek.
How could I be so forgetful.
Of course. <eucode> on line. Then code. Then </eucode> on line to finish.
And it does work.
Sorry Derek. I am wrong again. I misread your explanation.
Thank you EUWX.
Some of the code below.
-- BkCl3Bst.ex Polygons 2 -- ----------------------------- --include graphics.e without type_check include dos_rescue.ew as dos_rescue include select.e include machine.e include mouse.e dos_rescue:use_vesa(1) if graphics_mode(18) then end if constant X = 1, Y = 2 sequence config integer nlines, npoints, spacing, solid,klr,kol,kolr,key procedure stall() for i = 1 to 3750000 do end for end procedure procedure colour() --key = dos_rescue:get_key() --0if get_key() = 27 then abort(0) end if klr=rand(15) kol=rand(15) kolr=rand(15) if klr=kol or klr=kolr then colour() elsif kol=kolr or kol=klr then colour() elsif kolr=klr or kolr=kol then colour() end if -- key = dos_rescue:get_key() -- if get_key() = 27 then abort(0) end if bk_color(kolr) end procedure
Cheers. Selgor.