Blast from the past - "prefix macros" for ed.ex by Mike Nelson
- Posted by K_D_R Nov 20, 2012
Super Star Euphoria Programmer Mike Nelson wrote this very powerful little routine which is kind of like the .commands in the Vi editor.
Essentially you can assign a series of actions to a label of your choice. When you want to execute the commands you type a semi-colon followed by the label and then hit the space bar. The label is erased together with the prefixed semi-colon and then the commands are executed. The possibilities are endless.
-- enter the following routine immediately before the procedure try_auto_complete(char key) function prefix_macro() -- Mike Nelson 10/14/2000 sequence this_line, macro integer count,index,c this_line=buffer[b_line] count=0 index=1 for i=b_col-1 to 1 by -1 do c=this_line[i] if not ((c>='a' and c<='z') or (c>='A' and c<='Z') or (c>='0' and c<='9') or c=';') then if count<2 then return 0 end if index=i+1 exit end if count+=1 end for if this_line[index]!=';' then return 0 end if macro=this_line[index+1..index+count-1] add_queue(repeat(BS,length(macro)+1)) -- insert the labels and commands you write in the following list of elsif clauses: -- I have included several examples to get you started. if equal(macro, "mc") then -- a macro to enter macros add_queue(HOME & "\telsif equal(macro,\"\") then" & CR & "\tadd_queue(\"\")" & END & repeat(BS, 4) & ARROW_UP & HOME & END & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,7)) elsif equal(macro,"aq") then -- add_queue, a macro to enter macros -- in case another "add-queue" line is needed add_queue( END & CR & HOME & "\t\tadd_queue(\"\")" & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,2)) elsif equal(macro, "c") then -- compile the current file shell("euc " & file_name) add_queue(CONTROL_B & CONTROL_T) elsif equal(macro,"il") then -- shroud the current file shell("eushroud " & file_name) add_queue(CONTROL_B & CONTROL_T) elsif equal(macro,"b") then -- bind the current file shell("eubind " & file_name) add_queue(CONTROL_B & CONTROL_T) elsif equal(macro, "mlc") then add_queue("/* */" & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,3)) elsif equal(macro, "sq") then add_queue("\' \'" & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,2)) elsif equal(macro, "dq") then add_queue("\" \"" & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,2)) elsif equal(macro, "bt") then add_queue("` `" & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,2)) else return 0 end if return 1 end function -- next insert prefix macro code in the procedure try_auto_complete(char key) -- check for a keyword that can be automatically completed sequence word, this_line, white_space, leading_white, begin natural first_non_blank, wordnum -- insert this code: if prefix_macro() then -- for the prefix_macro routine return end if ------------------------------
And you are set to go!
Kenneth Rhodes