Blast from the past - "prefix macros" for ed.ex by Mike Nelson

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Super Star Euphoria Programmer Mike Nelson wrote this very powerful little routine which is kind of like the .commands in the Vi editor.

Essentially you can assign a series of actions to a label of your choice. When you want to execute the commands you type a semi-colon followed by the label and then hit the space bar. The label is erased together with the prefixed semi-colon and then the commands are executed. The possibilities are endless.

-- enter the following routine immediately before the procedure try_auto_complete(char key) 
function prefix_macro()  --  Mike Nelson  10/14/2000                                           
   sequence this_line, macro                                                                   
   integer count,index,c                                                                       
   count=0 index=1                                                                             
   for i=b_col-1 to 1 by -1 do                                                                 
      if not ((c>='a' and c<='z') or (c>='A' and c<='Z')                                       
      or (c>='0' and c<='9') or c=';') then                                                    
         if count<2 then return 0 end if                                                       
      end if                                                                                   
   end for                                                                                     
   if this_line[index]!=';' then                                                               
    return 0                                                                                   
   end if                                                                                      
 --  insert the labels and commands you write in the following list of elsif clauses: 
 --  I have included several examples to get you started. 
    if equal(macro, "mc") then                                                                 
     -- a macro to enter macros                                                                
        add_queue(HOME & "\telsif equal(macro,\"\") then" & CR & "\tadd_queue(\"\")"           
                    & END & repeat(BS, 4)                                                      
                    & ARROW_UP & HOME & END                                                    
                    & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,7))                                                    
    elsif equal(macro,"aq") then                                                               
        -- add_queue, a macro to enter macros                                                  
        -- in case another "add-queue" line is needed                                          
        add_queue( END & CR & HOME & "\t\tadd_queue(\"\")"                                     
        & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,2)) 
        elsif equal(macro, "c") then   -- compile the current file 
	shell("euc " & file_name) 
	add_queue(CONTROL_B & CONTROL_T)         
    elsif equal(macro,"il") then    -- shroud the current file 
	shell("eushroud " & file_name) 
	add_queue(CONTROL_B & CONTROL_T)         
    elsif equal(macro,"b") then     -- bind the current file 
	shell("eubind " & file_name) 
	add_queue(CONTROL_B & CONTROL_T)         
    elsif equal(macro, "mlc") then                                                             
	add_queue("/*  */" & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,3))                                          
    elsif equal(macro, "sq") then                                                            
	add_queue("\' \'" & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,2))                                           
    elsif equal(macro, "dq") then                                                            
	add_queue("\" \"" & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,2))                                           
    elsif equal(macro, "bt") then                                                             
	add_queue("` `" & repeat(ARROW_LEFT,2))       
	return 0 
    end if 
    return 1 
end function 
-- next insert prefix macro code in the  
procedure try_auto_complete(char key) 
    -- check for a keyword that can be automatically completed 
    sequence word, 
    this_line, white_space, leading_white, begin 
    natural first_non_blank, wordnum 
-- insert this code:  
    if prefix_macro() then              -- for the prefix_macro routine 
    end if 

And you are set to go!

Kenneth Rhodes

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