syncolor.e + tokenize.e = an absolute disaster
- Posted by K_D_R Nov 18, 2012
Euphoria 3.1 ed.ex shrouded = = 64k, syncolor.e file = 8k Euphoria 4.1 ed.ex shrouded = = 260k, syncolor.e file + tokenize.e = 36k 260/64 = 4.33 36/8 = 4.5
The current windows version of syncolor.e which includes tokenize.e provides multi-line string support and multi-line comments which were not supported in the Euphoria 3.1 version of these files. However; under Linux in ed.ex all the initial entry of these "tokens" (`, ", /*) are not displayed, nor is any text following them displayed, until a corresponding closing symbol is entered. Additionally, under Linux, the two initial symbols of the SHEBANG line, #!, are not visible when entered and remain invisible.
I have a version of syncolor.e which does not include tokenize.e, but on Linux it does handle the SHEBANG line and all the other symbols mentioned above correctly - and it does it in about 1/3 to 1/4 the code. I believe it was from Euphoria 4.0.3., perhaps it was from an earlier release.
Kenneth Rhodes