problems with the function message_box()

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I'm having problems with the function message_box

The first time, works well. When the program calls this function a second time, the program is aborted. Below is the error message.

In other programs, I can call this function many times, and gives no errors.

What can I do to resolve this?

Please send any response.

Thank you.

C:\EUPHORIA\WIN32LIB\INCLUDE\w32dll.ew:212 in function w32Func()
A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement  
    funcid = <no value> 
    parms = <no value> 
    lRC = <no value> 
    libfunc = <no value> 
    lFuncDef = <no value> 
    linked = <no value> 
    memset = <no value> 
    i = <no value> 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\WIN32LIB\INCLUDE\WIN32lib.ew:24194 in function DefProcessing()   
    id = <no value> 
    pSource = <no value> 
    hWnd = <no value> 
    iMsg = <no value> 
    wParam = <no value> 
    lParam = <no value> 
    lResult = <no value> 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\WIN32LIB\INCLUDE\WIN32lib.ew:24301 in function MessageProcessor()   
    pSource = <no value> 
    hWnd = <no value> 
    iMsg = <no value> 
    wParam = <no value> 
    lParam = <no value> 
    id = <no value> 
    lHandledEvent = <no value> 
    lTemp = <no value> 
    result = <no value> 
    lUserReturn = <no value> 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\WIN32LIB\INCLUDE\WIN32lib.ew:24349 in function SubProc()   
    hWnd = <no value> 
    iMsg = <no value> 
    wParam = <no value> 
    lParam = <no value> 
^^^ call-back from Windows 
... called from C:\EUPHORIA\include\msgbox.e:92 in function message_box()   
    text = {83'S',105'i',109'm',112'p',108'l',101'e',32' ',77'M',101'e',115's', 
97'a',103'g',101'e',109'm',32' ',84'T',69'E',83'S',84'T',32' ',33'!'} 
    title = {77'M',101'e',110'n',115's',97'a',103'g',101'e',109'm',32' ', 
    style = 0 
    or_style = 0 
    text_ptr = 8209216 
    title_ptr = 8204424 
    ret = <no value> 
    i = <no value> 
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