Re: bug in char_test() ?

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useless_ said...

So not being able to use them by name directly is done on purpose? Why? Namespace pollution?

It seems that way. I suspect to prevent accidentally changing them without using set_charsets(). I wasn't involved in its development, so this is all speculation on my part.

useless_ said...

I guess i missed the line in the manual about that. To me, get_charsets() seemed to be for modifying the charsets, and retrieving the charset(s) so i could send it(s) right back in char_test() didn't occur to me. I didn't see what was in each charset by reading , i discovered them by accident when reading std/types.e.

The enum names seem pretty descriptive to me, though the documentation probably isn't clear enough about connecting those to the sets. I don't know that I've ever really looked at that stuff until you posted about it.


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