Re: bug in char_test() ?

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useless_ said...

The code ran 100's of times before this crash, and nowhere did i redefine CS_Printable to be 6.

It should not have run at all.

useless_ said...

CS_Printable is enumerated as 6, it's set in
public procedure set_default_charsets()
but Defined_Sets isn't public, so i cannot call
if char_test(dataline,Defined_Sets[CS_Printable]) then
if char_test(dataline,types:Defined_Sets[CS_Printable]) then

So how do i make this work?
By appending all the various enumerated types by copy/pasting out of types.e until a text line passed as TRUE, i changed my source to:

if char_test(dataline,{{' ', '~'},{' ', '/'},{':', '?'},{'[', '`'},{'{', '~'},{' ', '~'}, "  ", "\t\t", "\n\n", "\r\r", {8,8}, {7,7}}) 

It seems to me that you have a bit of redundancy there in your ranges. Several ranges have the same start, a few have the same ends, two are identical. Programatically, you can use get_charsets() to get the various sets that are defined, and then you can put them together as required.


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