Re: This does not jive
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Sep 02, 2012
It's not clear what "does not jive." You didn't really say anything here.
By not jive I meant length(junk)=8. drawRoundRect takes 8 arguments is an error.
As you pointed drawRounRect only sees 1 argument.
Yes. You're passing a single sequence. That's 1 argument.
junk={WndMain,1}&rect&{5,5} drawRectangle(junk[1],junk[2],junk[3],junk[4],junk[5],junk[6],junk[7],junk[8])
This would seem fix the problem but a lot of work.
You are saying I have to use call_proc() and call_func().
Wouldn't drawRectangle(junk[1..8])work?
I haven't had time to test it but will.
junk[1..8] is a single sequence with 8 elements. If you pass that as a parameter to a routine, it is a single argument. Yes, you'll need to split it out, separated by commas, if you want the elements to be treated as separate parameters.
call_proc() obviously works differently, since you pass the parameters as a sequence. If what you were trying to do was allowed, there would be no way to ever determine whether the user was passing a sequence as a single parameter or meant to be all of the parameters.