Re: EuGTK: notebook control stuff
- Posted by irv
Aug 01, 2012
include GtkEngine.e
constant win = create(GtkWindow)
set(win,"border width",10)
set(win,"icon from file","~/demos/thumbnails/mongoose.png")
constant panel = create(GtkBox,1)
constant notebook = create(GtkNotebook)
set(notebook,"size request",200,200)
-- Build custom notebook tabs;
-- tabs have to respond to two different signals:
-- 1 - click on tab to change current notebook page,
-- 2 - click on tab's stop icon to remove the page
constant stop = create(GdkPixbuf,"~/demos/thumbnails/icon-stop.png",15,15)
object pg = repeat(0,5), tab = pg, lbl = pg, img = pg, btn = pg
object pgtxt
for i = 1 to length(pg) do
pg[i] = create(GtkBox,1) -- container for page content;
pgtxt = create(GtkLabel) -- some content to prove we have changed pages
set(pgtxt,"font","Purisa, URW Chancery L 18")
set(pgtxt,"markup",sprintf("This text is on page %d",i))
tab[i] = create(GtkBox,0) -- container for tab content;
lbl[i] = create(GtkLabel,sprintf("Page %d",i)) -- tab label
img[i] = create(GtkImage,stop) -- image for this tab
btn[i] = create(GtkToolButton,,"DeletePage",pg[i]) -- send handle of pg to remove funk
--(see note 1)
set(btn[i],"tooltip text",sprintf("Click to remove tab %d",i))
set(lbl[i],"tooltip text","Click to change to this page")
set(btn[i],"icon widget",img[i]) -- sets tab icon
add(tab[i],{lbl[i],btn[i]}) -- adds text and icon to the tab
show_all(tab[i]) -- contents are not automatically shown
set(notebook,"append page",pg[i],tab[i])
end for
global function DeletePage(atom tb, object pg)
-- tb is the toolbutton clicked,
-- pg is the page which has this tb on its tab;
--(see note 2)
-- To delete a page,
-- we have to get the CURRENT page number assigned to pg,
-- since it changes as pages are removed (or added, reordered, etc)
pg = get(notebook,"page num",pg) -- current #
set(notebook,"remove page",pg) -- get rid of it
return 1
end function
--(1) if you want to use this to edit files, and need to save files before
-- closing the page or whatever, you can attach the filename to the
-- 'stop' toolbutton:
--(2) and then retrieve the filename before the page is deleted;
file = get(tb,"data","filename")
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