Re: The Euphoria IDE Project
- Posted by EUWX Jun 18, 2012
I have some other concerns too. I generated a small program using, pure Euphoria and also some wxEuphoria (2.8) code. I used Wordpad. The moment you save the file as Unicode, you can't use it.
I then tried with the trial version of EditPlus which is a sophisticated Editor, and again the same problem, Save it as any type of Unicode file and it s unusable by Euphoria.
I understand that wxWidgets 2.9 is totally Unicode, so there may be other problems using it with Euphoria.
Euphoria itself still reads plain ASCII source code files. The "Unicode" support in wxWidgets is internal: it natively stores strings in Unicode format and makes calls to the appropriate Unicode system functions. I am already using wxWidgets 2.9 with Euphoria 4.0, so I know it works. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Thanks. I shall wait for your big swing to wxWidget2.9 and the corresponding wsEuphoria with all the proposed namespaces (Oh, I so dislike Namespaces and Includes)