Re: Double trouble

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irv said...

It's apparently blocked by the school. I got it from the other location. THANKS!

Request denied by WatchGuard HTTP proxy. 
Reason: reputation 
Method: GET 
Path: /eubins/linux/4.1.0/64-bit/euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-ix86_64-2012-05-30-cbe08aedf560.tar.gz  

(I didn't know we had a reputation :{ }

I took a look at WatchGuard's site, and queried their reputation database, and they don't appear to have anything about this site, so our reputation is listed as "neutral," which makes sense to me. Assuming that you're posting to the forum through their network, I suspect there's some higher threshold set for downloading large files...or something like that.

Or maybe the local administrator has some custom settings applied.


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