Re: Compiling struct Branch with Open Watcom
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) May 29, 2012
andi49 said...
Compiling the struct branch with OpenWatcom seems to fail.
wcc386 /bt=nt /mf /w0 /zq /j /zp4 /fp5 /fpi87 /5r /otimra /s /IC:\euDesigner\hgc lone\struct\euphoria /ol /zp4 /dEWINDOWS /5r /dEWATCOM /dEOW /dNDEBUG - DARCH=ix86 -fr=C:\euDesigner\hgclone\struct\euphoria\source\build\intobj\back\be _execute.obj.err /IC:\euDesigner\hgclone\struct\euphoria\source\build\intobj /IC :\euDesigner\hgclone\struct\euphoria\source\build\include be_execute.c -fo=C:\eu Designer\hgclone\struct\euphoria\source\build\intobj\back\be_execute.obj be_execute.c(5471): Error! E1011: Symbol 'MEMSTRUCT_SERIALIZE' has not been decl ared be_execute.c(5471): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant Error(E42): Last command making (C:\euDesigner\hgclone\struct\euphoria\source\bu ild\intobj\back\be_execute.obj) returned a bad statusthe default branch compiles without any problems. Any hints? Andreas
There was a problem with the code for Watcom. MEMSTRUCT_SERIALIZE should have been MEMSTRUCT_READ. I just pushed up a change to fix that, and I was able to build with Watcom (I used my cross compiled interpreter as a eubin...there are some changes for building with a 4.0 interpreter that haven't been merged into the struct branch).