Re: getting hardware data

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bill said...

No one gets paid for open-source development.

As far as I know, that's true here, but it's most certainly not true of the open source world in general. (I've received job offers based on my work in FOSS before.)

bill said...

I do have some problem with the program being closed source,
but that is a recognised user choice. I really think that
hardware dongles are far beyond what is acceptable.

I understand where you are coming from, and I'm inclined to agree with you. Still, a serial number stored in an NTFS filesystem is hardly a hardware dongle.

bill said...

Euphoric gave advice how to do this with no recognition that
the request was in any way out of order.

It's sheer exploitation on Hacker's part.

There's a difference between the (imnsho very stupidly named) free (as in liberty) software movement and the open source software movement. The latter, as represented by ESR, seems open source simply as a means to an end and promotes OSS for economic and other apolitical reasons.

The former, embodied by the FSF, simply says access to the source code should be a fundamental right. The FSF goes as far as to refuse to use software that's not free (as in liberty) software altogether.

Considering the Euphoria community's long-standing position as a group that supported Euphoria as a closed source language, it makes sense that a lot of members - and especially the most senior members - are closer to the OSS camp than the FSF camp.

That said, the founder of the FSF would probably agree with the statements that you have made above.

bill said...

feel that people are perfectly entitled to produce closed source protected software for profit using open source then I wonder how it is that you can j

This is old news. The FreeBSD team (or maybe it was the OpenBSD or NetBSD team) allowed their TCP/IP stack to be used by Microsoft for an early version of Windoze. Copycenter as opposed to copyleft.

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