wxEuphoria - Menu Font
- Posted by EUWX Mar 11, 2012
I modified Menu-demo.exw program creating new fonts. The new fonts work well in another of the demo programs.
#!/home/matt/euphoria/bin/exu -- example8.exw -- -- This example places a menu in a window without warning include wxeu/wxeud.e object void global integer -- Courier new 9 point euCNNorm9 = create( wxFont, {9,wxDEFAULT,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"Courier New"}), -- more here Bold, Italics, Underlined etc -- Courier new 10 point euCNNorm10 = create( wxFont, {10,wxDEFAULT,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"Courier New"}), -- more here Bold, Italics, Underlined etc -- Times New Roman 9 point euTNRNorm9 = create( wxFont, {9,wxROMAN,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"Times New Roman"}), -- more here Bold, Italics, Underlined etc -- Times New Roman 10 point euTNRNorm10 = create( wxFont, {10,wxROMAN,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"Times New Roman"}), -- more here Bold, Italics, Underlined etc -- Times New Roman 12 point euTNRNorm12 = create( wxFont, {12,wxROMAN,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"Times New Roman"}), euTNRItal12 = create( wxFont, {12,wxROMAN,wxITALIC,wxNORMAL,0,"Times New Roman"}), -- more here Bold, Underlined etc -- Arial 10 point euARNorm10 = create( wxFont, {10,wxDEFAULT,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"Arial"}), euARBold10 = create( wxFont, {10,wxDEFAULT,wxNORMAL,wxBOLD,0,"Arial"}), $ constant MenuWin = create( wxFrame,{0,-1, "Menus"} ), win = create( wxPanel, {MenuWin}) constant MenuBar = create( wxMenuBar, {MenuWin}), FileMenu = create( wxMenu, {MenuBar,"&File"}), MenuNew = create( wxMenuItem,{ FileMenu, wxID_NEW,"&New\tCtrl+N"}), MenuOpen = create( wxMenuItem,{ FileMenu, wxID_OPEN, "&Open"}), MenuSave = create( wxMenuItem,{ FileMenu, wxID_SAVE, "&Save"}), MenuSaveAs = create( wxMenuItem,{ FileMenu, wxID_SAVEAS, "Save &As"}) append_separator( FileMenu ) -- etc etc -- etc etc
I added :
set_default_font ( win, euARBold10) set_default_font (MenuWin, euTNRItal12)
I put one or both of these lines separately or together in various places to see if the font will change on execution, but the font remains the same. I also tried and failed with using MenuBar instead of win or MenuWin
-- set_default_font (MenuBar, euTNRItal12)
I also was not able to use later
set_menu_label ( MenuBar, FileMenu, "MyFileMenu")
I am new to Euphoria and wxEuphoria. I shall appreciate help or direction to a working wxEuphoria program where the Font in the Menu can be changes dynamically, and the text of the labels can also be changed dynamically or redrawn or something like that.