Re: [OT] overwriting FAT and $MFT
- Posted by useless Oct 29, 2011
The command: %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
does not clean memory or anything like that. But unfortunately there are many websites that have totally misrepresented it's function.
By default XP and later systems have a number of housekeeping operations that are normally done during idle time to avoid impairing performance.
Thanks, Larry.
I have six wintel boxes running 3Ghz+ P4 singlecores with 2gig of ram, mangled by winxp (all upgrades and patches fairly current) staying busy between 80% and 100% cpu 24-7 for months. The other computers are less busy. Even with sleep(x) sprinkled around in the Eu apps, these boxes stay busy, so does the lan and the harddrives. Everything is quite warm.
Do you have any experience in keeping things running smoothly, despite MS and winxp?