Re: White spaces into folder name
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Oct 26, 2011
sergelli said...
But, this not works when that line is inside a program.exw
euiw \""c:\\Program Files\\EuFiles\\test.exw\""
Also I get the following error message:
"Can not open program.ex
Paused: press any key ... "
I can solve by doing like so
ddd=chdir("\\Program files\\EuFiles") if ddd then euiw "est.exw" end if ddd=chdir("returnToTheOldPath"
But do not think it's an elegant way to program.
Is there another way to solve this?
It's not entirely clear what you're trying to do. I'm going to assume that euiw.exe is on your path, and you just want to run the program:
system( `euiw.exe "c:\Program Files\EuFiles\test.exw"`, -2)
Note that I used the backticks for quotes, which do not use escapes, so it's maybe a little clearer what's going on. Of course, you could build that more dynamically:
path = `c:\Program Files\EuFiles\test.exw` system( sprintf(`euiw.exe "%s"`, { path }), 2)