Re: Keywords and Namesapces
- Posted by Vinoba Oct 10, 2011
This sort of IDE functionality - basically a fancy auto-complete - also exists for classes, namespaces, and even between method/functions with the same prefix (so if you type "some_long_prefix_" then you'll get a tooltip that shows you "some_long_prefix_draw_function", "some_long_prefix_write_function", "some_long_prefix_create_function", etc).
Auto completion in fact gives more headaches. We are already way ahead of this feature. Similar looking (at first) long names are a headache too. 1 = ABC, 2=CDE, 3=FGH, etc is more readable in a tooltip, which has to be small.
From my own personal use, I'm not convinced that these sort of IDE features are helpful in any case, but that's irrelevant here. These features can be equally helpful (or hinderful) to someone using the current 1600+ function names of wxEuphoria as they would be to someone using a library following the standards that you advocated.
It is not clear to me that using fewer functions with a special integer parameter - as you described - would make the sort of IDE you are describing any more useful or productive than it already is.
An IDE that allows for NO mispelt words and instant access to the System functions as well as newly created ones by the programmer and system variables and newly created variables - all without a single mistake or even a chance of mistake, an IDE that will not allow you to proceed when you have used a wrong type in a parameter, an IDE that will allow all these and more is an elusive often bragged about feature and we already have it.
We have a problem with classifying a lot of functions. You must realize by now that the wcEuphoria library would be adjuvant to other libraries in a fully function multi-faceted language and just as you and I abhor having to go through 5-6 level of menu to get at the item you are looking to click, so do we in our efforts to give the programmer the facility of access to EVERYTHING with as few a clicks as possible. And one has to remember, that the programmer is going to look to using about 100-200 functions and similar number of variables (and Constants) in a typical medium sized effort. The fewer the number of clicks, the better
Anyway that is the thrust of my teaching and our joint efforts and so far the students who are really colleagues, love it.