Re: Win32Lib and IDE

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zebra said...


The reason that you are getting this error is because eu4 has moved some functions
from some include files to other include files with different names.

( Upper and lower ) was located in eu3 include\wildcard.e
( Upper and lower ) are located in eu4 include\std\text.e

Thanks Zebra, but that isn't helping. Let me elucidate - for you, too, Derek.
I set the control-A of IDE to add that text.e to the project: it didn't add it to the project
I added an include line in the Window1 Intro field to include it, which it did, but that didn't help.
The generated exw file is this:

--  code generated by Win32Lib IDE v1.0.5a Build June-26-2011 
constant TheProgramType="exw"  
include Win32Lib.ew 
without warning 
include C:\euphoria4\include\std\text.e 
--  Window Window1 
constant Window1 = createEx( Window, "Window1", 0, Default, Default, 400, 300, 0, 0 ) 
constant PushButton2 = createEx( PushButton, "PushButton2", Window1, 112, 112, 88, 28, 0, 0 ) 
WinMain( Window1,Normal ) 

Well, that program didn't include upper or lower; the failure is in IDE itself. And this is the bound executable version. So how do we account for that? I'm really sorry if I am causing problems, but this is a pretty fundamental thing it seems to me.
I'm sure when we get this sorted I can go on like mad, but not yet. Remember when I had the exw version it ran and I was very happy; but it was so slow it was intolerable. That was why I generated an executable of Judith's Eu3 IDE back when she alone had to put up with me! But that ended up very good - except, OK, for the bugs in it; but it worked straight out of the box. And that is what we need for newbies, it seems to me.

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