Re: Enhancement request for wxEuphoria
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Jun 06, 2011
Here's a quick example of how I've implemented a Property Grid-like wxGrid control. I hope this helps.
include "wxeu/wxeud.e" without warning object void constant Properties = {"Name", "Class", "Parent", "ID", "Caption", "Location", "Size", "Style"} constant frmMain = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Property Grid Demo", -1, -1, 480, 320} ), pnlMain = create( wxPanel, {frmMain} ), grdProp = create( wxGrid, {pnlMain, -1, 10, 10, 200, 220, 0, 8, 1} ) set_col_label_size( grdProp, 0 ) set_row_label_align( grdProp, wxLEFT, 0 ) set_col_size( grdProp, 0, 100 ) set_grid_margins( grdProp, 0, 0 ) for i = 1 to length( Properties ) do set_row_label( grdProp, i-1, Properties[i] ) set_row_size( grdProp, i-1, 23 ) end for wxMain( frmMain )