Re: Installing wxEuphoria and wxIDE
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) May 29, 2011
I'm currently using Ubuntu Natty and Mint Katya and I would imagine the procedure is the same for both. I've downloaded the .deb file for Euphoria 4.0.2 and I gather I've got to update the wxWidgets that comes with the distros, is that right?
Yes, the wxWidgets that comes with those should be fine with wxEuphoria, although you might need to build the wxEuphoria libraries.
When it comes to wxEuphoria I seem to have a choice between a "binary" and "full" download, which one do I need? And is wxIDE only available as source? If so, does that mean I have to go through the make-configure-install process or whatever order it is?
The binary download does not come with the C++ source, where the full comes with both the libraries that I built as well as the source code to allow you to build your own. As for wxIDE, it's all euphoria, so you can run it with the interpreter, or translate it with the euphoria translator if you want.