Re: Sounds in Win32

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Hi Taylor,
     Here is the address to my web page which hasn't been updated for a year
or so, and it has a win sound related file that I put make it easier
to understand using wave files in windows.  The version of win32lib.e that
is there (in all the sample programs in fact) are so out of date that they
probably in NO way resemble David Cuny's current files.  But...they should
be enouph to understand how it is done.

Monty in Oregon
(Eagerly working toward a Slackware Linux machine hopefully to be done
before Rob makes his announcment(which I am checking VERY often for))

>In Win32, how do you play
>WAV files? I've heard it done before, but have never .been able to find
>any code that incorporates WAV files. Any help on the >situation would be
>greatly appreciated.

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