Re: RosettaCode
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Jan 26, 2011
Still, this doesn't seem to be in the spirit of function composition. This compose function returns a "compose-id" which isn't compatible with routine-ids. With this you can't further compose two composed functions, although you've helpfully allowed any number of functions to be composed which should be equivalent. You still can't use a compose-id with anything expecting a routine-id.
Yes, it's not as pure as what you could get if euphoria implemented more functional capabilities. Given more time, I suppose I could come up with a more general implementation, though that's already more generic than some of the implementations given at Rosetta Code.
I suppose we could put compositions into sequences or something, and then we'd know how to compose arbitrary routine ids and compositions.
sequence compositions = {} function compose( sequence ids ) sequence comp = {} for i = 1 to length( ids ) do if sequence( ids[i] ) then comp &= compositions[ids[i][1]] else comp &= ids[i] end if end for compositions = append( compositions, ids ) return { length( compositions ) } end function function call_composition( sequence comp, sequence x ) comp = compositions[comp[1]] for i = length( comp ) to 1 by -1 do if sequence( comp[i] ) then x = call_composition( comp[i], x ) else x = call_func( comp[i], x ) end if end for return x end function function F( integer a, integer b ) return { a + b, a - b } end function function G( integer a, integer b ) return {a * 2, b * 3 } end function constant f = routine_id("F"), g = routine_id("G"), fg = compose( { f, g } ), ffg = compose( {f, fg } ) sequence s = call_func( f, call_func( f, call_func( g, { 1, 2 } ) ) ) ? s ? call_composition( ffg, { 1, 2 } )