Re: Re Drag'n'Drop -- If at 1st U don't succeed -- Call it Version 1

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Hello Shawn

Is this what you are writibg about?

integer vFileCount 
      procedure dropped( integer self, integer event, sequence parms ) 
          if parms[1] = 0 then 
              if length(parms[2]) = 1 then 
                  -- Opening call, the file count. 
                   setEnable(actionButton, w32False) 
                  vFileCount = parms[2] 
              elsif length(parms[2]) = 0 then 
                  -- Final call. 
                   setEnable(actionButton, w32True) 
                  -- add the file name to the list 
                   addItem( TheList, parms[2] ) 
              end if 
          end if 
      end procedure 
      setHandler(TheList, w32HDragAndDrop, routine_id("dropped")) 

I read all that

I am writing about the Error messages
To me ...... they are difficult to understand



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