Re: wxEuphoria v0.14.0 - Some demos not working
- Posted by raseunew Dec 20, 2010
list of errors for wx demos
<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: dir.exw (6): LINUX
if platform() = LINUX then ^
<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: download.exw (28): reverse download.exw (31): reverse download.exw (34): reverse
path = reverse( path ) ^
<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: freecell.exw (1375): set_rand freecell.exw (1377): sprint
set_title( frame, ProgName & " Game #" & sprint(gameNumber) ) ^
<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: http_demo.exw (27): sleep
sleep(1) ^
<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: image_convert.exw (81): NULL
if not save_bitmap( bmp, filename, type_, NULL ) then ^
<0052>:: can't find 'objtable.e' in any of ... /home/euphoria/v4include . ./include /home/bin /home/euphoria/v4/
include objtable.e as table ^
<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: search.exw (156): dir search.exw (163): D_ATTRIBUTES search.exw (175): D_NAME search.exw (179): custom_sort search.exw (261): current_dir search.exw (287): D_NAME search.exw (288): D_ATTRIBUTES
attr = files[i][D_ATTRIBUTES] ^
<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: xml.exw (14): sprint
prop = create( wxXmlProperty, {"childTimesGrandChild", sprint( i * j )})