Re: Contest #2... Example Programs
- Posted by coconut Dec 13, 2010
I just looked at Derek And Matt assembler to compare it to the one I written last weekend. I do the label fixup very differently. each time my assembler hit a forward reference to a label it reserve a fixed number of code instructions. Derek and Matt assembler use addition of power of 2, mine use power of tens. I reserve a register to hold number 10 and multiply the targer register with that number. I grow the address by a serie of "addi Rt n" and "mult Rt Rm". It doesn't need a second pass to fix the labels. When a label is met in the code the assembler immediatly lookup the pending fix and resolve them. There is 2 limitations to my system: to space allocated is always the same so it is oversized for small address. Secondly It limit the program address space to 0 - 9999. I could increase it but it would means more space lost. The main advantage of my system is it simplicity. Here my assembler code
/* NAME: hcasm.ex DESC: assembler for contest #2 cpu AUTHOR: Jacques DeschĂȘnes NOTE: assembler syntax: INSTRUCTION::= [:LABEL] OPCODE | OPCODE DEST INT | OPCODE DEST SOURCE OPCODE::=JNZ|HALT|SETI|ADDI|MULTI|CPY|ADD|MUL|LOAD|STOR|PRNL|PRSP DEST::=R0|R1|R2|R3|R4|R5|R6|R7|R8|R9 SOURCE::=R0|R1|R2|R3|R4|R5|R6|R7|R8|R9 INT::=[0..9] COMMENT::= ; any text exemples: ADDI R0 9 ;add 9 to R0 STOR R0 R2 ;store contain of R0 in ram pointed by R2 MULI R2 8 ;multiply r2 by 8 symbols can be used for ram locations and goto's a goto label begin with ':' and should be the first token on the line to define a ram symbol or any constant use the keyword .sym .sym name value mnemonic and keywords are not case sensitive all code is converted to upper case. */ include std/sequence.e include std/text.e include std/get.e with trace object _ constant --OPCODE MNEMONICS MNEMONICS={ "JNZ", -- jump if not zero "HALT", -- halt execution "SETI", -- set register immediate "ADDI", -- add register immediate "MULI", -- multiply register immediate "CPY", -- copy register "ADD", -- add register to register "MUL", -- multiply register to register "LOAD", -- load register "STOR", -- store register "PRNL", -- print line. "PRSP" -- print with space } constant -- number of arguments used by each mnemonic ARG_COUNT={2,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1} enum SYM_NAME, SYM_VAL enum URES_LBL, URES_LOC enum LBL_NAME, LBL_LOC sequence symbols={{"MINUS1"},{0}}, labels={{},{}}, file="", asm={}, hc={}, unresolved={{},{}} type digit(integer i) return (i>='0' and i<='9') end type procedure read_file() object line integer fh fh=open(file,"r") if fh=-1 then printf(1,"unknown file %s\n",{file}) abort(2) end if line=gets(fh) while sequence(line) do if line[$]='\n' then line=line[1..$-1] end if if length(line) and line[$]='\r' then line=line[1..$-1] end if asm=append(asm,line) line=gets(fh) end while close(fh) end procedure integer asm_line=0 enum ERR_NONE=0, ERR_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL, ERR_MISSING_ARG, ERR_BAD_ARG, ERR_UNKNOWN_LABEL, ERR_LOC_RESOLV, ERR_ALREADY_DEFINED, ERR_UNKNOWN_KEYWORD constant ERR_MSG={ "unknown symbol", "missing argument", "bad argument", "unknown label", "error while resolving back location", "this symbol already exist", "unknown keyword" } procedure error(integer err_code) printf(1,"assembler error code %d: %s, at line %d\n",{err_code,ERR_MSG[err_code],asm_line}) puts(1,asm[asm_line]&'\n') abort(1) end procedure /* keywords procedures keywords are asembler directives and does not generate code all keywords begin with a '.' */ constant KEYWORDS={ ".SYM" } -- add a symbol to symbols table -- tokens[1] is symbol name, tokens[2] is value procedure add_symbol(sequence tokens) sequence t1, t2 t1=tokens[1] if find(t1,symbols[SYM_NAME]) then error(ERR_ALREADY_DEFINED) end if t2=value(tokens[2]) if t2[1]!=GET_SUCCESS then error(ERR_BAD_ARG) end if symbols[SYM_NAME]=append(symbols[SYM_NAME],t1) symbols[SYM_VAL]=append(symbols[SYM_VAL],t2[2]) end procedure constant rid_keywords={ routine_id("add_symbol") } procedure add_unresolved(sequence lbl, integer loc) integer p --trace(1) p=find(lbl,unresolved[URES_LBL]) if not p then unresolved[URES_LBL]=append(unresolved[URES_LBL],lbl) unresolved[URES_LOC]=append(unresolved[URES_LOC],{loc}) else unresolved[URES_LOC][p] &= loc end if end procedure procedure resolve(sequence lbl, integer addr) sequence loc2resolv, saddr integer p, pc, completed --trace(1) p = find(lbl,unresolved[URES_LBL]) if not p then return end if loc2resolv=unresolved[URES_LOC][p] saddr=sprintf("%04d",addr) for i = 1 to length(loc2resolv) do pc=loc2resolv[i] completed=0 for j = 1 to 4 do if hc[pc+(j-1)*2][1]!='3' then exit end if hc[pc+(j-1)*2][3]=saddr[j] if j=4 then completed=1 end if end for if not completed then error(ERR_LOC_RESOLV) end if end for unresolved[URES_LBL]=unresolved[URES_LBL][1..p-1]&unresolved[URES_LBL][p+1..$] unresolved[URES_LOC]=unresolved[URES_LOC][1..p-1]&unresolved[URES_LOC][p+1..$] end procedure /* macros expansion routines */ --MACRO: SETREG expansion: generate code to set a register 'r' with arbitrary integer -- if r <> 0 then use R0 to store multiplier else use R1 function set_reg(sequence tokens) integer p,d,m, neg=0, val sequence r={}, t2={}, opcode={}, hc_lines={} r=tokens[1] if r[1]!='R' then error(ERR_BAD_ARG) end if d=r[2] t2=tokens[2] if t2[1]=':' then --label reference p=find(t2[2..$],labels[LBL_NAME]) if p then val=labels[LBL_LOC][p] t2=sprintf("%04d",val) else -- unresolved label add_unresolved(t2[2..$],length(hc)+4) val=9999 t2="0000" end if elsif t2[1]='-' and digit(t2[2]) then --negative number neg=1 t2=value(t2[2..$]) val=t2[2] t2=sprintf("%d",val) elsif digit(t2[1]) then --positive number t2=value(t2) if t2[1]!=GET_SUCCESS then error(ERR_BAD_ARG) end if val=floor(t2[2]) t2=sprintf("%d",val) else -- symbol reference p=find(t2,symbols[SYM_NAME]) if not p then error(ERR_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL) end if val=symbols[SYM_VAL][p] if val<0 then neg=1 val = -val end if t2=sprintf("%d",val) end if if d>'0' then m='0' else m='1' end if if val < 10 then opcode='2' & d & (val + '0') hc_lines={opcode} else -- set d=0 opcode='2'&d&'0' -- SETI Rd 0 hc_lines={opcode} -- set m=10 ; multiplier opcode='2'&m&'9' -- SETI Rm 9 hc_lines&={opcode} opcode='3'&m&'1' -- ADDI Rm 1 -> Rm=10 hc_lines&={opcode} for i=1 to length(t2) do opcode='3'& d & t2[i] -- ADDI Rd t2[i] hc_lines &= {opcode} if i<length(t2) then opcode='7'&d&m -- MUL Rd Rm -> Rd = Rd * 10 hc_lines&={opcode} end if end for end if if neg then opcode='2'&m&'0' -- STI Rm 0 hc_lines&={opcode} opcode='8'&m&m -- LOAD Rm Rm -> Rm = -1 hc_lines&={opcode} opcode='7'&d&m -- MUL Rd Rm -> Rd = -Rd hc_lines&={opcode} end if return hc_lines end function -- MACRO: SETRAM expansion: generate code to set ram to an arbitrary integer -- use R2 to store ram_address and R1 store value function set_ram(sequence tokens) -- SETRAM ram_address value sequence hc_lines hc_lines=set_reg({"R2",tokens[1]})&set_reg({"R1",tokens[2]}) -- R2 = ram_address, R1=value hc_lines&={"912"} -- STOR R1 R2 -> ram_address [R2]=R1 return hc_lines end function --MACRO: GOTO expansion: generate code for unconditional goto -- use R2 to store PC address and R0 set to 1 function goto_(sequence tokens) -- GOTO code_address sequence address,hc_lines integer p hc_lines= set_reg({"R2"} & tokens) hc_lines &={"201","020"} -- SETI R0 0 and JNZ R1 R0 return hc_lines end function --MACRO: STVAR var_address Rv expansion -- tokens[1] var_address, tokens[2] register containing value function store_var(sequence tokens) sequence t2, hc_lines={} integer s t2=tokens[2] if t2[1]!='R' then error(ERR_BAD_ARG) end if s=tokens[2][2] hc_lines=set_reg({"R1"}&{tokens[1]})--set address in R1 hc_lines&={'9'&s&'1'} -- STORE Rs R1 return hc_lines end function --MACRO: LDVAR Rv var_address expansion -- tokens[1] register to store value, tokens[2] var_address function load_var(sequence tokens) sequence t1, hc_lines={} integer rv t1= tokens[1] if t1[1]!='R' then error(ERR_BAD_ARG) end if rv=t1[2] hc_lines=set_reg(tokens) hc_lines&={"8"&rv&rv} return hc_lines end function --MACRO: NOP expansion -- nop operation by adding constant 0 to R0 function nop(sequence tokens) sequence comment integer p comment=asm[asm_line] p = find(';',comment) if p then comment=comment[p..$] else comment="" end if return {"300 "&comment} end function --MACRO: LPNZ :label Rc expansion -- R2 is used to store label address -- :label is label to loop back, Rc is control register for zero value function loop_not_zero(sequence tokens) sequence t2,hc_lines={} integer rc t2=tokens[2] if t2[1]!='R' then error(ERR_BAD_ARG) end if rc=t2[2] hc_lines=set_reg({"R2",tokens[1]}) hc_lines&={"0"&'2'&rc} return hc_lines end function constant -- list of macros MACROS={ "SETREG", "SETRAM", "GOTO", "STVAR", "NOP", "LPNZ", "LDVAR" } constant-- number of arguments used by macro MAC_ARG_COUNT={2,2,1,2,0,2,2} constant rid_macros={ routine_id("set_reg"), routine_id("set_ram"), routine_id("goto_"), routine_id("store_var"), routine_id("nop"), routine_id("loop_not_zero"), routine_id("load_var") } enum ST_IDLE, ST_ARG1, ST_ARG2, ST_COMPLETED procedure parse(sequence tokens) integer p,i,m,acount, state=ST_IDLE sequence opcode, t --trace(1) --if asm_line=90 then trace(1) end if if not length(tokens) then return end if -- empty or comment line i=1 while state!=ST_COMPLETED and i <= length(tokens) do t=tokens[i] m=find(t,MNEMONICS) switch state do case ST_IDLE then if t[1]=':' then labels[1]=append(labels[1],t[2..$]) -- label symbol labels[2]=append(labels[2],length(hc)) -- label address resolve(t[2..$],length(hc)) elsif t[1]='.' then -- keyword m=find(t,KEYWORDS) if not m then error(ERR_UNKNOWN_KEYWORD) end if call_proc(rid_keywords[m],{tokens[2..$]}) state=ST_COMPLETED opcode={} elsif m then acount=ARG_COUNT[m] if length(tokens[i+1..$])<acount then error(ERR_MISSING_ARG) end if if ARG_COUNT[m]=0 then opcode={"100"} -- HALT is the only mnemonic without argument state=ST_COMPLETED exit elsif m<11 then opcode ={m-1+'0'} elsif equal(t,"PRNL") then opcode="?" else opcode="??" end if state=ST_ARG1 else m=find(t,MACROS) if not m then error(ERR_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL) end if acount=MAC_ARG_COUNT[m] if length(tokens[i+1..$])<acount then error(ERR_MISSING_ARG) end if opcode=call_func(rid_macros[m],{tokens[i+1..$]}) state=ST_COMPLETED end if case ST_ARG1 then if t[1]!='R' then error(ERR_BAD_ARG) end if -- first arg always a register p=t[2] if p<'0' or p>'9' then error(ERR_BAD_ARG) end if opcode&=p if acount=1 then opcode&=' ' opcode={opcode} state=ST_COMPLETED else state=ST_ARG2 end if case ST_ARG2 then if t[1]='R' then p=t[2] else if digit(t[1]) then p=t[1] else p=find(t,symbols[SYM_NAME]) if p then p=symbols[SYM_VAL][p] if p<0 or p>9 then p=' ' else p+='0' end if else p=' ' end if end if end if if p<'0' or p>'9' then error(ERR_BAD_ARG) end if opcode&=p & ' ' opcode={opcode} state=ST_COMPLETED end switch i += 1 end while if state=ST_COMPLETED then if length(opcode) then hc&=opcode end if else error(ERR_MISSING_ARG) end if end procedure _ = date() _[1] += 1900 constant CODE_HEADER={ "300 ;GENERATOR: hcasm.ex (macro assembler for contest #2 cpu)", sprintf("300 ;TIMESTAMP: %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",_) } hc=CODE_HEADER procedure generate_code() sequence tokens, code, f_name integer p, fh, lc for i = 1 to length(asm) do asm_line=i p=find(';',asm[i]) if p then code=upper(asm[i][1..p-1]) else code=upper(asm[i]) end if if length(code) then lc=length(hc) tokens=split(code,' ',1) parse(tokens) for j= lc+1 to length(hc) do if length(hc[j])<4 then hc[j] &= repeat(32,4-length(hc[j])) end if end for if length(hc)>lc then lc+=1 hc[lc] &= code end if end if end for p=find('.',file) f_name=file[1..p]&"hc" fh=open(f_name,"w") for i=1 to length(hc) do puts(fh,hc[i]&'\n') end for close(fh) end procedure procedure parse_args() sequence args args=command_line() if length(args)<3 then puts(1,"USAGE: eui hcasm.ex asm_file\n") abort(1) end if file=args[3] end procedure procedure main() parse_args() read_file() generate_code() end procedure main()