- Posted by irv Nov 15, 2010
If you want to respond to a single-click of a mouse button, try connecting a generic event to the treeview/listview, then filtering the events to respond only to one particular mouse event:
function Foo(atom ctl, atom event) if peek(event) = 7 then -- mouse button released if peek(event+40) = 1 then -- mouse left button puts(1,get(tv,"text",column#)) end if end if return 0 end function constant foo = call_back(routine_id("Foo")) connect(tv,"event",foo)
We wait for the button release, rather than getting the contents of the tv on mouse pressed (since the focus may not have changed to the control where the mouse is now sitting).
Alternate way, if you need the button #:
if peek(event) = 4 then -- some mouse button pressed whichbtn = peek(event+40) -- 1, 2, or 3 == left, mid, right ...
Responding to a single-click means you can't select multiple items via "rubber banding". You still have ctl-click for that.