Re: Database Battle to the Death
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Oct 09, 2010
I'm needing a light weight yet robust database, and the contenders are:
Firebird (Euphoria wrapper by Steve Baxter)
SQLite (Euphoria wrapper, in particular the one from ChrisB)
I would use EDS, but I'm probably going to have tens of millions of records. Maybe more. It's my understanding that EDS is not rated for that many records. I think it would also be slower than the above options, but I'm not completely confident in that regard.
Any suggestions, thoughts, or opinions?
Its not by me, its originally by Ray Smith, I just took it over, collate any updates, and keep it at
I use it for my vet database. Its really simple to use, uses industry standard sql (or at least a large subset), its really quick, is regularly updated, and maintained, has a huge userbase. However, I've done a few speed trials, and surprisingly EDS compares quite favourably - surprisingly because sqlite uses an external shared library, and I would have thought that alone would have made it quicker.
Forked into: Using SQLite with Euphoria 4.x