Re: wud like to design a game
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Sep 25, 2010
i want to design a role playing game.need help
If by "design" you mean "create a computer program," you have no experience programming, and you want to learn how to program with Euphoria, it's going to take some time. First you have to learn to program, so hit Google for some "learn programming" resources. Review the Euphoria manual. Read some Euphoria specific instruction (such as Jubilation and Beginner's Guide to Euphoria (HTML Version)). If you get stuck anywhere, we're here to help.
If by "design" you mean "create a computer program," and you have no experience programming, and you don't want to learn programming, you should use a tool suited for your skillset. Euphoria won't be that tool. Instead, you should follow the links of this Google search.
If by "design" you literally mean "design," then you might get some help here, but there are better places to seek help with designing (world creation, attribute design, supernatural considerations, etc.) an RPG out there.