Re: EuGTK - GtkListStore - color?
- Posted by Jerry_Story Sep 11, 2010
irv said...
To color an entire row, the following works. I had to edit one line in GtkRoutines.e to accomodate it, but it seems like this is the accepted way to do it.
First, edit GtkRoutines.e - line 2353 or so, to read:
Then the following will color each line with whatever color is specified with that name.
include GtkEngine.e include std/machine.e include std/console.e constant names = { {"Jerry S. Smith","green"}, {"Jonnie B. Good","yellow"}, {"Jason Jones","blue"}, {"Susan Black","black"}, {"Fred Flintstone","brown"} } enum COLOR=2 object selection function Foo(object view) Info(0,"Info","You selected",get(view,"text",1)) return 1 end function constant foo = call_back(routine_id("Foo")) constant win = create(GtkWindow) connect(win,"destroy",quit) set(win,"title","Test 33 - List View") set(win,"position",GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER) set(win,"border width",10) set(win,"default size",400,400) constant panel = create(GtkVBox) add(win,panel) constant tv = create(GtkTreeView) set(tv,"reorderable",TRUE) add(panel,tv) constant lbl = create(GtkLabel) set(lbl,"markup","<span size='small'>Double click on a row to retrieve info\nDrag items to re-order!</span>") pack(panel,-lbl) object renderer1 = create(GtkCellRendererText) enum NUM=0,NAME,SCORE,COLOUR object store = create(GtkListStore,gINT,gSTR,gINT,gSTR) set(tv,"model",store) set(tv,"insert column with attributes",-1,"#",renderer1,"text",NUM,"background",COLOUR) set(tv,"insert column with attributes",-1,"Name",renderer1,"text",NAME) set(tv,"insert column with attributes",-1,"Score",renderer1,"text",SCORE) set(tv,"insert column with attributes",-1,"Color",renderer1,"text",COLOUR) object iter = allocate(32) set(tv,"model",store) for i = 1 to length(names) do set(store,"append",iter) set(store,"set",iter,NUM,i,-1) set(store,"set",iter,NAME,allocate_string(names[i][NAME]),-1) set(store,"set",iter,SCORE,rand(100),-1) set(store,"set",iter,COLOUR,allocate_string(names[i][COLOR]),-1) end for connect(tv,"row-activated",foo) show_all(win) main()
PS: If you don't want to see the color names displayed on your list, just comment out the line:
--set(tv,"insert column with attributes",-1,"Color",renderer1,"text",COLOUR)
PPS: If you want different colors - or no colors - for some columns - IOW, the whole row isn't one color, you need to set up additional renderers for those columns. You can have a separate renderer for each column if you wish.
Thanks. The example works. But now I have the problem of understanding the code.