New Thread Dos Kaleidoscope -- View this CoJaBo
- Posted by Selgor Aug 02, 2010
Selgor here
This is to thank you CoJaBo
You showed how it could be done
I changed values of variables
And the result is below.
Finished unless you see further modification ??
I have learned a lot.
Thank you. CoJaBo and all others (Don,Dan,Derek)
----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------Windows Version --------------- -------------------- Kaleidoscope ----------------- -------------------- Version 2.01 -------------- -------------------- 2nd August 2010 ---------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------- Many thanks to Don Cole ------- Dan Moyer ------- Derek Parnell ------- Without Their help it would not have been completed ----------------------------------------------------------- ------- CoJaBo - Made it fullscreen and fixed various other minor errors ------- and Selgor made it Fullscreeen by changing variable values -------------------- not needing scaling ------------------------------------------------------------------------- include win32lib.ew without warning atom kersa constant CXFULL=w32Func(xGetSystemMetrics,{SM_CXSCREEN}), CYFULL=w32Func(xGetSystemMetrics,{SM_CYSCREEN}), Win = create(Window,"",0,0,0,CXFULL,CYFULL,{WS_POPUP,WS_DLGFRAME}) -- Create a canvas to draw upon. constant canvas = create( Pixmap, "", 0, 0,0, CXFULL, CXFULL, 0 ) constant Timer = 1 kersa = w32Func(xShowCursor,{False}) constant colors = { Black, NavyBlue, Blue, BrightBlue, ForestGreen, Green, Cyan, SkyBlue, BrightGreen, BrightCyan, DarkGray, Eggplant, Red, Magenta, DarkBrown, Olive, Gray, Brown, LightGray, Purple, White, BrightRed, BrightMagenta, Violet, Orange, Pink, Yellow, BrightWhite } atom a,b,c,d,a1,b1,c1,d1,a2,b2,c2,d2,a3,b3,c3,d3, x,y,x1,y1,xx,yy,xx1,yy1,xxx,yyy,xxx1,yyy1,xxxx,yyyy,xxxx1,yyyy1, lt,tp,rt,bt,lt1,tp1,rt1,bt1,lt2,tp2,rt2,bt2,lt3,tp3,rt3,bt3, kount,kcount,in,kcol integer segment procedure init_vars() kount=0 kcol=rand(length(colors)) kcount=0 segment = 0 lt=0 tp=0 bt=384 rt=512 lt1=512 tp1=0 bt1=384 rt1=1024 lt2=0 tp2=384 bt2=768 rt2=512 lt3=512 tp3=384 bt3=768 rt3=1024 x=384 x1=264 y=65 y1=285 xx=640 xx1=760 yy=65 yy1=285 xxx=384 xxx1=264 yyy=700 yyy1=480 xxxx=640 xxxx1=760 yyyy=700 yyyy1=480 a=1 b=1 c=2 d=1 a1=a b1=b c1=c d1=d a2=a b2=b c2=c d2=d a3=a b3=b c3=c d3=d setBackColor(canvas, Parchment)--(colors[rand(length(colors))])) end procedure procedure kullar() if kcol >= length(colors) then kcol = rand(length(colors)) else if remainder(segment, 50) = 0 then kcol = rand(length(colors)) end if end if end procedure procedure val() x-=a y-=b x1-=c y1-=d xx+=a1 yy-=b1 xx1+=c1 yy1-=d1 xxx-=a2 yyy+=b2 xxx1-=c2 yyy1+=d2 xxxx+=a3 yyyy+=b3 xxxx1+=c3 yyyy1+=d3 end procedure procedure xyopp() if x<lt or x>rt then a=-a end if if y<tp or y>bt then b=-b end if if x1<lt or x1>rt then c=-c end if if y1<tp or y1>bt then d=-d end if end procedure procedure xyopp2() if xx<lt1 or xx>rt1 then a1=-a1 end if if yy<tp1 or yy>bt1 then b1=-b1 end if if xx1<lt1 or xx1>rt1 then c1=-c1 end if if yy1<tp1 or yy1>bt1 then d1=-d1 end if end procedure procedure xyopp3() if xxx<lt2 or xxx>rt2 then a2=-a2 end if if yyy<tp2 or yyy>bt2 then b2=-b2 end if if xxx1<lt2 or xxx1>rt2 then c2=-c2 end if if yyy1<tp2 or yyy1>bt2 then d2=-d2 end if end procedure procedure xyopp4() if xxxx<lt3 or xxxx>rt3 then a3=-a3 end if if yyyy<tp3 or yyyy>bt3 then b3=-b3 end if if xxxx1<lt3 or xxxx1>rt3 then c3=-c3 end if if yyyy1<tp3 or yyyy1>bt3 then d3=-d3 end if end procedure integer stopped stopped = 0 procedure WinKey(integer id, integer event, sequence parms) -- Check for key presses. if parms[1] = VK_SPACE then stopped = not stopped if stopped then killTimer( Win, Timer ) else setTimer( Win, Timer, 10 ) end if elsif parms[1] = VK_ESCAPE then closeWindow(Win) kersa = w32Func(xShowCursor,{True}) init_vars() stopped = 0 end if end procedure setHandler(Screen, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("WinKey")) procedure draw_it(integer id, integer event, sequence parms) -- On each tick of the timer, I draw the next segment of the picture. if segment >= 800 then --650 then segment=1 -- Maximum number of segments already drawn, -- so do nothing. -- setBackColor(canvas,(colors[rand(length(colors))])) ---- Use above to change Background setBackColor(canvas,Parchment) return end if segment += 1 kount+=1 kullar() setPenColor(canvas,colors[kcol]) drawLine(canvas,(x+a),(y+b),(x1+c),(y1+d)) drawLine(canvas,(xxx+a2),(yyy+b2),(xxx1+c2),(yyy1+d2)) drawLine(canvas,(xx+a1),(yy+b1),(xx1+c1),(yy1+d1)) drawLine(canvas,(xxxx+a3),(yyyy+b3),(xxxx1+c3),(yyyy1+d3)) val() xyopp() xyopp2() xyopp3() xyopp4() -- Force the window to be redrawn. repaintFG(Win) end procedure setHandler(Win, w32HTimer, routine_id( "draw_it" )) procedure start_it(integer id, integer event, sequence parms) -- Start the timer ticking at 100 times per second setTimer( Win, Timer, 10 ) end procedure setHandler(Win, w32HActivate, routine_id("start_it")) procedure paint_it(integer id, integer event, sequence parms) -- Whenever the window needs to be repainted, -- copy the picture to the window. copyBlt(Win, 0, 0, canvas) -- Refresh the 'help' text. -- wPuts( {Win, 10, 10}, "ESC to pause/continue ENTER to restart") end procedure setHandler(Win, w32HPaint, routine_id("paint_it")) init_vars() WinMain( Win, Maximized) <eucode>