Re: Is Windows testing of Eu 40B2 adequate?
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Dec 05, 2009
Forked from Re: Eu4 win32lib, IDE
I suspect that Euphoria v4 beta 2 has not been tested adequately on Windows systems because of the lack of a suitable Win32Lib on general release.
I'm not so sure that's right, because all the testing we do is done on both Linux and Windows, and Win32Lib just uses the same Euphoria functionality that all the other testing uses.
The one thing that is significant about Win32Lib is that it is very large; bigger than most Euphoria applications I suspect.
I use Win32Lib version 0.70.4a minimally modified to rename identifiers which clash with the new list of keywords. Programs using this take much longer to load on Euphoria v4b2 than on Euphoria v3.1. Consequently, I still use v3.1 unless I want to try something out on v4. I have seen references to more recent versions of Win32Lib, but those are not on general release in the Euphoria archive.
The loading time is related to the size of the library, the way that include files were being used in the library, and the different way that Eu4 does initializes things now.
How many people are sticking to v3.1 or v3.1.1 because a suitable Win32Lib is not easily available? Surely this must be delaying testing of Euphoria on Windows systems. When a suitable Win32Lib is finally released, I would not be surprised to see a lot of bugs reported which only apply to windows systems.
The testing on Windows systems is not being delayed. Euphoria is simultaneously being tested on Linux, OSX, and Windows. The testing on Windows is not dependant on any GUI library, and specifically not dependant on Win32Lib.
As for bugs, I doubt whether there will be many bugs discovered in Euphoria due to using Win32Lib.
However I do expect that there will be a number of errors in Win32Lib for Eu4 when I (beta) release it. This is because the changes I'm making to its architecture involve creating a number of new files in the library and I'm moving a lot of routines around to put them in more appropriate files. The new win32lib.ew file will not be very large at all, but there will be many more sub-files that make up the library.
The work to make the library a pure Eu4 library is huge as I have to do small changes at a time and retest everything. One of the things I'm working on is speeding up the library's initialization time.